She lifts her head and wraps her arm around my shoulders so she can face me. "Invite whoever you want. I was gonna wait to tell you, but I talked with Luca's mom this morning. They're gonna fly down so that they can be there too," she smiles. "That's the best news I've heard today. Thanks Al," I smile, hugging her tight.

"Anything for you. What're you up to tonight?" she asks while gently stroking my hair. I smile slightly, but she doesn't notice. "Uh Tucker invited me over tonight. I guess his parents are going to some event at his mom's work so he's stuck watching his little brother," I tell her. "Is something going on between you two?" she smirks. "Definitely not. I'm just happy to be getting back to where we were when we were friends. Kind of sucked not having him to talk to," I explain to her. "Just be careful okay? I don't want to see you hurting like that again," she frowns. "Don't worry I will be. What're you up to tonight?" I ask.

"Mm I think I'm gonna meet up with Syd, Ash, and Ali," she answers. "It's about time you've gotten out of the house," I smirk. Her mouth opens slightly as she furrows her eyebrows. "Shut up. I leave the house," she whines. I laugh at her frustration as she tosses a pillow at me. "Alright well I'm gonna go call Luca and get ready for tonight. I'll come bug you in a bit," I smile. I kiss her cheek quickly before skipping out of her room.


"What to wear. What to wear. What to wear," I mumble to myself as I scan my closet. I spot Alex's Cal sweatshirt poking out on one of my shelves and grab it. "Sweatshirt and leggings it is," I smile to myself. After changing into comfortable clothes, I tie my hair into a neat bun. The time on my phone reads 6:20pm. I check myself over one last time before waltzing downstairs.

"Are you leaving?" Alex calls out. "Yeah I don't want to be getting over there too late," I explain as I walk into the kitchen. "Let me know when you're on your way home okay?" Alex encourages. I nod and give her a side hug. "I will. Have fun tonight with those three. I know Ash and Syd like to get a little crazy on Friday nights," I tell her before walking back towards the front door.

The air is cool when I step outside. I feel it shoot up my back causing chills to cover my body. The hum of Servando's car calms my racing heart. I slowly make my way over to Tucker's house, taking in everything that I drive by. Tucker's street is quiet when I pull onto it. Most of the houses have their lights off even though it's only 6:30pm.

I pull into the driveway and text him to let him know I'm here.

*Tucker's POV*
"You think she'll like this color?" I ask Julian as I adjust my maroon colored button up. I turn around and look at him. "I don't know I'm only four," he shrugs. I narrow my eyes at him and shake my head. "You're no help," I laugh. "I like the blue shirt better than the red shirt," he says while bouncing on my bed. "Dude its maroon," I sigh. I'm distracted by my phone buzzing in my pocket. "Well it's too late to change now because she's here," I say nervously as I look at the text from Sophia. I take hold of Julian's hand and walk with him to the front door.

"H-h-hi," I stutter nervously. Sophia looks beautiful, even dressed in a sweatshirt and leggings. "Sophia!" Julian squeals as he runs into her arms. She picks him up with ease, setting him on her hip. "Hi buddy! I missed you," she giggles. My heart swells watching them together. "I missed you too. Tucker says we're ordering pizza and watching Coco tonight," he animatedly tells her. "Which we'll never do if you don't let her come in," I chuckle. She sets him down on the ground and then slips past me into the house. I follow behind her into the living room.

"I'm glad you're here," I smile as we sit on the couch. I can see her cheeks blush a little bit. "Me too. I missed hanging out with you," she smiles. I struggle to find the words to say until a small voice brings me back to reality. "Are we gonna start this movie or what?" Julian asks as he pulls his blanket up to his chin. "Let's do it," I laugh.

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