Since then, she was taught homeschool, all alone, until she met her first friend Evan Rosier at the age of seven, and then Martin at eleven.

Her eyes landed back to reality to have him closer than every girl would imagine. He brushed her hair off her face, and it was silent for a few seconds. The witch felt her mouth dried, her heart was beating steadily in her chest. She could feel his minty breath brushed her skin. A hint of fuzzy sweet apricot scent from his cologne entered her nostrils.

     "I hope I'm interrupting!" a loud voice jerked them apart with a yelp, Gemma's eyes shot open.

Gemma sat herself up to find a boy with his long raven hair was grinning at their direction. His back was leaning against a tree nearby, staring down at the two, "How long have you been standing there?" she questioned, the boy shrugged.

"What are you doing, Sirius?" came Martin's voice, chiming in to distract the Gryffindor.

"This is my spot." he stated coolly, eyes onto the blond with a grin. The Gryffindor boy strutted and made his way to snuggle himself between Gemma and Martin as he sat on the grass.

"Your spot?" Marty's eyes squinted in annoyance, scoffing at the grinning boy. Sirius placed his hand on the two Ravenclaw's shoulder one each, nodding.

"It's called the Black Lake for a reason, future-in-law." Sirius arched an eyebrow, still grinning at him, "What are you up to these days — I hope you're not snogging, are you? — Gemma's goody two shoes and all. Hope you are not polluting her morals."

At the word snogging, Sirius's grip on Martin's shoulder was tighter than ever. Martin's eyes shot wide holding back a small wince, while Sirius smiled vaguely at him. A warning glare sent to the blond's direction, while Gammaliel scoffed.

Martin pressed his lips tight, held back his wince until Sirius loosened his grip, "The only person who would pollute my morals is your brother, Sirius." the witch chimed in, turning to the said boy's brother.

"I see," Sirius mused, "But from what I saw the other day you were the one who went feral with my dear brother. What buttons did he push, your highness?"

"Her patience." Martin chimed in.

Sirius raised his finger and was about to respond to that, but then came footsteps behind them with a low grumble. The three turned to look over their shoulder and found a boy keeping a hunchback posture was mumbling not so far from them.

Gammaliel narrowed her eyes, she could make out the shoulder-length black hair. The hooky nose was standing out from his gloomish features, almost covered with a film of shine from excessive grease on his skin. Sirius grinned, "Oi, Snivellus, what are you doing here?"

"I thought this was a public place." the greasy boy mumbled, but it was loud enough for the three to hear what he was about to say next, "Not some spot for a corrupted bully with his little recruits."

"And what of that has anything to do with you?" Martin challenged.

"Ravenclaws." The Snivellus boy glanced at both McKinnon and the Irish witch, "I thought they're supposed to be brainy rather than brawny." taunted the boy, "You're the brother of that savage blonde."

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