Chapter 3

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Day 1:  Eastbell, Icewynne, Notsuoh lounge and bar, booth eight, three seats away from the kitchen, Dark Hour.

This isn't normal this isn't normal this isn't normal Nova silently chanted that phrase over and over again in the back of her mind. What the hell am I even doing here?! Is some kind of sick punishment the headmasters give when students stay up past bedtime? What do they do? Drug their pupils and send them off to some bar place?! One second Nova was tucked away in her dorm room, the next she's in a bar, a god damn bar of all places!

Nova slowly got up afraid to move. She made her way to the bartender,  he was a tall, attractive Asian man with glasses who was mixing some kind of drink that seemed to glow in the dim blue lighting. Plush couches and things that looked like lava lamps scattered the room.  Loud trance music pumped through the speakers booming in her ears. She bumped into people, everyone looked so strange. They dressed in what looked like fitted bodysuits, they seemed to be wired with LED lights in an array of colors. Nova couldn't help but wonder how long their batteries lasted and what they did to recharge them. Probably plugged them in using some kind of charging station or something. It looked like she stepped into a TRON arcade game.

She took a seat on a glowing bar stool and tried to get the bartender's attention.

"Excuse me!" 

No response

"Hey! Sir!"

Still nothing.


He didn't even bat an eye.

"He won't talk to ya unless you order a drink."

Nova turned in her seat to face the boy who had spoken. He had a Spanish accent very different from the Queen's English that poured from her tongue. He couldn't have been any more than a year older than her, he had soft caramel colored skin, pitch black messy hair and silver eyes that seemed to change color as the LED lights reflected off them. He wore the same bodysuit as the others, his was a deep ocean blue.

"Order a drink? But I haven't any money"

"Neither do I but I still got one."

He held up a glass, it was filled with a liquid that had layers of various colors of the rainbow stacked on top on top of each other, it bubbled fizzed like a soda yet when the bubbles popped they displayed different shapes such as stars and hearts.

"Pretty neat trick huh?"

"Are you even old enough to drink?"

"Nope." He gently pushed the untouched beverage to the side "And even if I was I wouldn't drink."

Nova eyed him suspiciously,

"Uhm...This may sound weird but-"

"You wanna know where you are?"

Nova looked at him in shock

"How did you-"

"Know that?"

He shrugged.

"Soy magia"


"Soy magia. It means I'm magic. That and I mean, it was a pretty obvious question."

"Is that Spanish?"

He smiled and nodded. His bright smile seemed almost blinding in the low lighting.

"And to answer your question, I have no idea, I just got here myself." Nova rolled her eyes sarcastically

"Did your boarding school send you off here too?"



Nova rubbed her temples, perhaps this was all just some bad dream. Maybe she was tripping on acid. Where did she get acid? Who knows because she's tripping on acid.

"You go to a boarding school?" The boy asked.


"How is it?"

"I have no idea, today was my first day"


"It was hell. the food was hell. My teachers are hell. Everything is hell. It's all a pile of bloody hell. It's like being on your period...not that you would know, with you having a penis and all..." 

The boy seemed unphased and almost amused by Nova's foul comment. He chuckled.

"Sounds rough man"

She smiled. "Mhm."

Nova stared at him mesmerized by the way his bodysuit hummed and glowed. 

"Alright can you at least tell me what's up with the suits? Why is everyone wearing them as if it's some kind of weird fashion trend or something?"


Now it was his turn to give her an odd look.

"What do you mean? you're wearing one too aren't you?"


She looked down and to her surprise, she too was wearing a glowing LED suit in a vibrant fuchsia. She was too busy worrying about everyone else that she had paid no mind to what she was wearing. "Oh...well that's odd" She examined her self, poking at the lights trying to find some kind of wires or battery slot. She found nothing.

"Pretty cool huh?" The boy said watching his own LED suit

"Yeah, it's really cool."

"I've been messing around and I think I figured out how this thing works"

He fiddled around with his arm, if Nova were being completely honest it looked like he was doing some sort of strange chicken dance. "What on earth are you-"

Her conversation was interrupted by a large crash and a group of men walking in through the automatic glass doors.

"Everybody get down!" this is a stick-up!"

"Oh bloody hell"

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