Feelings - Fitz

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So... this is my first ever fanfic/story please be nice and leave comments on what I could improve :) ~ Blue

I walked out of school for yet again being picked on. I hated school. I decided just to walk home because I haven't in like FOREVER because I'm lazy. I got home a few minutes after my sister Toby saw me as I entered our flat she knew why I was back home early so she didn't question it. I've never really bragged about my sister being TobyOnTheTele because of what happened in New Zealand. Me and Toby were super close and we've been inseparable since we we're kids, a while back Toby had decided to move to Australia to be closer with her friends and took me along with her.

I had never really met her friends before but I only ever really knew of Cameron well Cam, me and him were close but not as close as me and Toby, he and Toby met when they were in high school and started YouTube together. I'm not sure if Toby knows but I have a major crush on Cam... well I mean it's not that major but it's enough for me to be a little nervous around him. I was cut out of my thoughts when Toby said "Cam is coming over later with the others" I replied with "cool, I've never met the others so..." I was nervous as hell, I've had trust issues since I can remember and I wasn't very good with meeting new people but I mean Toby and Cam will be there so I guess if they are chill with them I ca— again cut out of my thoughts by Toby I guess she could tell I was nervous as fuck because she said "Hey it'll be alright, there's no need for you to be nervous. Okay?" I mean I guess she was right "yeah I know it's just.... ya know... I'm not good with meeting new people" "I know but hey they're chill and don't worry I've warned them that your not good at meeting people and they're okay with it" I just nodded my head not really wanting to say anything, I told Toby I was going for a shower just to clear my head I started heading upstairs when I heard Toby trying to contain herself in fits of giggles "Don't sing too loud" I just shook my head and chuckled

(Skip to the boys being over because I'm lazy as HELL)
I heard to door open and close so I guess her friends were here. I was about to come off of CS:GO when Toby text me

Toby: Yo get your butt downstairs lmao the boys are here
(Y/N): lmao I'll be down in a minute. Just coming off of CS:GO
Toby: okay :))

It had been almost an hour since her friends had come over, Toby was right I was nervous for nothing, they were just like her and Cam. Ughh Cam... Cam was being his usual self but he'd been flirting with me every now and then and I think Toby notice because she was smirking, I just rolled my eyes at her and she just chuckled. I really wanted to tell Cam how I felt but then again I was scared of being rejected, I hated having feelings....

After a while, Mason, Jay and swagger had gone home, Toby was tired and went up to sleep. Great I was alone with Cam it was silent at first until Cam spoke up "Hey listen I gotta tell you something..." oh no my nerves kicked in I was so scared for what was coming next I said "What's up?" I honestly don't know how but I managed to start hiding away my nerves when Cam is around. I was cut out of my thoughts when cam spoke " I don't know why I'm saying this heh, but I gotta tell you before I fuck up. I kinda have a crush on you, I told Toby a while ago that I did too and he seemed to be chill about-" Cam just kept rambling on it's was cute not going to lie so to shut him from rambling I just kissed him. You know those kisses where they feel like sparks are being set off, like in those cheesy romantic movies? I'm not much of a cliché girl but that's how the kiss was, it was passionate a really proper meaningful kiss. We pulled apart and Cam was smiling like mad I just giggled at him there was a moment of silence and Cam said "So... I'm guessing you like me too?" I just chuckled at him "yeah I like you too"

Well that was my first fanfic 😳 I'll do more and do some of the others too
I hope you enjoyed it 💙

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