Chapter 2

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Day 1: Dallas Texas, United States, The Santiana residence, The Attic, Arsen's bed 11:45 PM

" Hey Arsen can you pass the-"


Arsen interrupted his friend Joshua. He glanced up from his desktop and tossed him the roll of clear scotch tape used to make picket signs for their next rally. They were preparing for a protest of the multi-million dollar soda company, Yola Cola. The corporation has been under fire for the treatment of their immigrant employees, and their lack of acknowledgment towards the spike in deportations that include hard honest workers from the factory.

"How do you do that?" His friend Gabriela looked at him in awe the way she always did whenever Arsen guessed someone's thoughts. He shrugged and smiled sheepishly,

"Uh luck I guess"

"Oh luck my ass that's some psychic Santeria mess and you know it"

Arsen couldn't help but laugh at Joshua's comment "What can I say? Soy magia." He really didn't know how he was able to guess what someone was thinking, it just happened, and before he could blink he was blurting out whatever was going on in that person's mind It made for a neat party trick and he liked to entertain his two best friends and partners in crime with it.

Gabriela rolled her eyes grinning "Ugh we're gonna burn in the firey pits of consumerist hell" "Oh yeah? How so?" Said Joshua. He reached into the box of Lucky Charms they all shared on the floor of Arsen's makeshift bedroom in the attic picking out the marshmallows and throwing the bland cereal back into the box "We're three Latinos trying to take down a giant corporation for the horrible mistreatment and mass deportation of its employees." "No-no, correction" Joshua countered wagging a finger "Three vegetarian Latinos trying to take down a giant corporation for the horrible mistreatment and mass deportation of its employees "

"Come on my room is good vibes only, no negativity" Arsen butt into their conversation, "First of all there are plenty of vegetarian latinos, and second of all, there's only three of us but once we get the word out, they'll be more, now check this out."  

The two gathered around Arsen's rundown desktop computer where he sat in front of a sign up screen "It's this automatic tweeting system I can make tweets and it'll send one out every hour or so to spread awareness about the protest" Gabriela smirked, "Do you even know how to tweet?" "Yes...alright no but I'll learn alright! Now I think this could really help us" The two went back to work making their picket signs while Arsen began to sign up for the program.

Autweets Automatic tweeting service!

Give us the deets and we'll send the tweets!

Queue up to 7,000 tweets and have them automatically sent out at one-hour intervals!

Simply fill out our sign up sheet to get started (psst it takes only 30 seconds!)

Arsen began to type.

Name: Arsen Santiana

Age: 16

Gender: Male


His cursor hovered over the last blank Occupation... he thought. What's my occupation... a small smile crept up his face as he filled in the blank.

Occupation: That Ironic Vegetarian Latino Activist Kid


His computer blinked and a new screen popped up

Please create a unique username and password.

He glanced up from his screen. "Foreshadow...that's unique right?" Arsen turned towards his two friends. Gabriela shook her head, "Nah man somebody's gonna have that" "Yeah" Said Joshua mouth full of cereal and dehydrated marshmallows "Put a number after it or something" he filled his mouth with even more cereal making it hard to understand his words "We're ow oh lucky sharms" Arsen busted out laughing"Yeah dumb ass cuz you ate all of em!" Joshua threw a spare marshmallow from the floor at him.

Username: Foreshadow_1

Password: Suckyarms

Arsen grinned as he hit "submit" he was was one was one step closer to changing the world and that's all that mattered. That and of course taking a nap, Arsen began to feel very fatigue almost a little dizzy, he blacked out immediately after.

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