Prologue : We Are Losers

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Seng's POV

  It's really bad, am i gonna pass the test?? Why didn't I study last night?! Urghhhh stupid Seng.

  Today I have test to take, if I pass the test I can enter this high school, that my Mom choosed for me. Honestly I don't really care about school, it make me dying everytime the subjects is to hard, and I don't even understand it. Is anyone out there who look stupid like me? Huh? I don't think so.

  I look at everyone right here, they all seems really prepared to take this test. Me? I forgot that the test is today hahahaha.

*Ting tong ting tong
'please enter the test room'

  I enter the room, and take a sit not to far from the door. Huftttt.. Good luck Seng. I opened the papers, shit! Why they asking so many questions? Biology? Math? Even sociology? Let me see what should I do first.

Q: If Billy have 5 apples and Mary take 2 apples, then what is Billy's Mom name?

  What the fuck??? It's really nonsense! Who is Billy's Mom? I don't her. Biology is no less difficult, biology is one of subjects that I hate. Science? I even prefer economics or geography. Science and me is enemies since elementary school.


1 hour later

  Finally it's done! I was in hell for a while, thank God, it's over. Now I can rest and just wait for the test results, will I pass? I don't know and I don't care, if I don't pass this test I could just ask my Mom to send me to a school that is easier for the entrance test. why my Mom want me to enter private school? what's the difference from ordinary school?

*Ting tong ting tong
'Your results will out soon, please wait for 30 minutes'

  Hah?! Wait?!!! I will see my result right now?! there is no way I could see it, Mom will definitely scold me. Is there maybe someone who not passed the test like me?? why didn't I study last night? ehhhh?? since when I care? all schools are the same right?? I will remain stupid after all, I don't want to go to school but I want have some friends (who look stupid like me) I'm a loser hahaha.

  I don't care, but I'm still afraid of being scold by my Mom. yeah, I am still mommy's boy, Mom will definitely be disappointed with me. Shiiaaaa Seng! you will be punished! I don't want her take my phone, every time I failed at something, Mom will said that I too much playing games. I'm just playing games to reduce the stress of studying, if I could, I want to get to work right away. It will be easier. But I'm too lazy also, can I just be rich without doing something? hooooo I'm going crazy! I hope the results don't disappoint.

  "You're result is out! For who passed the test, our school will start in 1 month. Thank you." A random guy said that, I think he's one of the teachers here. After I heard that, I rushed to the noticeboard of the test results, I felt like I wanted to die.

Seng Wichai Saefant : 75 (Pass)

  "Wait? I passed?" I asked myself.

  "Yeah dude, you passed, with mediocre value." Someone said it to me with a face that seems like want to kill me, I think he didn't pass the test.

  "Oh." Wait?! Is this real?! I'm not dreaming right?!

  "EXCUSE ME GUYS! I NEED TO SEE MY RESULT." Suddenly someone shouted and immediately pushed the others to see if he passed or not, from his appearance it seems like he didn't study last night just like me, and may be he afraid of not passing the test.

  "WHAT THE FUCK?! I'M PASSED! BUT I DIDN'T STUDY LAST NIGHT." See? I'm right, and now he is smiling like an idiot.

  "Watch your mouth! You can definitely get kick out if you say some bad words." someone else reprimands him, hmm they might be friends already.

  "Aii hiaa, I don't care, I passed dude." He said to his friend.

  "Ohh? Really? Let me see mine." His friend said.

  "FUCKKKKK! I PASSED TOO." Huh?? Why he seems like really happy? don't tell me he doesn't study either.

  "OMG! Really? You didn't study too last night right?" It turned out that not only me who passed but did not study, hahahaha a loser like me passed the test.

  "How can loser like us passed the test?" I mumbled to myself.

  "What did you said?" He asked me.

  "He said that we are losers." His friend answered.

  "Ohhh.. he is right we are losers."

Loser can also win • Seng

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