Chapter 26

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Charlotte watched as her younger sister gushed over the dress Charlotte was giving her.

"I cannot wait to wear it today!" Allison said. "Dear Lady Babington asked me to play since she said you were not inclined and she was short one lady."

Charlotte shook her head. "I am afraid I made quite a spectacle the last time I was here. I am resisting the repeat in history where that is concerned."

Allison laughed. "Oh yes, Mr. Stringer spoke of it on our stroll. That you were a sensation on the field. Or sand... It won't be on sand, will it? I never played on sand..." her sister rambled.

Charlotte looked at her sister in surprise. "Stroll?" she asked. "With Mr. Stringer?" her voice went up a pitch.

Allison's blush crept up her neck as she pulled the dress over her head while Charlotte went to help her button in.

"Yes, he came to check on you after your adventure on the beach that night," she said. "He came often, but we all knew you were rejecting visitors and I could not bear the disappointment on that man's face." She smiled. "So I simply asked him to walk with me and tell me about the town."

"How very forward!" Charlotte said with a smile. "Do you like him?" her stomach flopped a little as she realized James was the only other man she had ever entertained serious thoughts about.

Was this jealousy?

Was it just a distraction from Sidney or was it real feelings deeper than friendship. She shook her head feeling her stomach settle a little as she looked at her sister's glowing face. Her sister had thought herself in love a few times already. Perhaps it was just a passing flirtation.

"You don't mind do you?" Allison asked as she turned around placing a green sash around the middle of her cream-colored dress. All the players were supposed to wear cream. But with noticeable color, if you were single so that an admirer could wear one to match, thereby expose their feelings in a safe and socially acceptable manner.

Charlotte smiled and shrugged. "I have no understanding with Mr. James Stringer. But we are friends."

Allison smiled and blushed. "I told Mr. Stringer that my color was green."

Her stomach dipped again and her face was perplexed. "And what did he say?" Charlotte asked.

Going to the mirror Allison sad and regarding her hair. "Do you think the maid could do up my hair like yours?" she asked.

Rolling her eyes she went to the chair and nodded. "Of course she can."

Her sister remained vexingly silent.

"Oh heavens, Allison, what did Mr. Stringer say?" she demanded earnestly but with a tone of play.

Her sister winced. "You like him."

Looking to the bed and then to the door her eyes flitting nervously.

"Allison, you must understand that my feelings are rather complicated." she shrugged. "I have no claim on him, but I do admire him. I like that I can talk with him."

Her sister looked disappointed and frowned. "Why haven't you told him that you fancy him?"

Wincing Charlotte shook her head. "Because I am not sure my feelings have gone beyond general admiration. I am sure it could have at one point, but then a lot of things happened."

Her sister looked at her as if she could see through her but was not seeing, and then her brows rose and her eyes widened.

"You love someone else," she said in a shocked whisper.

Charlotte shook her head and looked to the hall. "No, no..." she denied. "I don'-"

Her sister shook her head and smiled. "Your eyes are fluttering and you are holding your breath," she said pointing out Charlotte's actions. "You only do that when you lie and you are struggling with your words."

Still persistent in the shaking of her head Charlotte closed her eyes.

"It is Mr. Parker. The brooding handsome one," she said her head shaking. "Sidney right?" she asked.

Charlotte's cheeks fair bled from the blush of her cheeks.

"Don't Allison." she denied. "Please don't say another word."

Her sister shook her head. "He is married!" she said her eyes wide.

Charlotte pulled back defensively. "Do you think I do not know that!" she protested.

Her sister sat down on the bed and huffed. "You never told me. I thought we told each other everything." Allison said hurt.

Charlotte felt sympathy for her sister's emotions and feelings of betrayal. Reluctantly she sat on the bed. "I couldn't tell you about it because voicing it was too awful to bear. I did not want to cry," she confessed.

"How can you love a married man?" Allison asked confused.

Blinking nervously she shrugged. "I loved him before he was married. When he was free."

Her sister turned curiously. "Does he love you?" her question causing Charlotte to take a sharp intake of breath and the door knocked.

"Come in." Charlotte blinked relieved.

"You both are not ready!" Lady Susan said and tutted them. "Girls. Sending your time gossiping and not readying yourself. It never changes."

Allison turned. "Did you know?" She asked bluntly.

Lady Susan looked to Charlotte and blinked. "Know what?" she asked confused and feeling on the spot.

"That she loved Mr. Sidney Parker?" the younger girl asked.

Relaxing her neck Lady Susan's head leaned forward as she realized the topic she had dropped in on.

Inclining her head she nodded. "I do believe I was the one who told her of her feelings for him first a long time ago on the very night we met." she smiled pained by the topic.

"Does he love her?" Allison asked breathless looking to the older and far more influential person for answers.

Lady Susan took a deep breath and nodded without looking to Charlotte. "He does. Far more than his situation allows. Tis a hopeless case, however." she said. "Now, moving on, let us get the maids in her and dress your hair," she said hurrying them and spared Charlotte a simple telling glance.

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