Chapter Twenty-Five - Aftershock, Part One

Start from the beginning

    She lifts up two rocks, but Raven quickly takes control of them. "Don't make me hurt you," Raven spits.

    "Don't make me laugh," Terra retorts, freeing the rocks and sending her back. Robin and Cyborg go in to punch her but she evades their attacks and sends them both back in different directions. Robin tries to go back in, but Terra brings up a wall, which he quickly destroys with an explosive disc. This sends Terra back, and Robin glances up at the mechanic teen.

    "Cyborg! Now!"

    Cyborg readies his sonic cannon and points it at Terra, who looks up maniacally. "Sorry, kid," he says.

    I notice her hands and yell out, "Robin! Cyborg! Watch out!"

    I'm too late, as Terra hits the ground and sends both boys flying into different buildings. Terra turns away with another vicious smirk as she lifts up a rock to crush Raven, who sits in the same weak position as Robin was.

    This time, it's Starfire who saves the day, as she holds up the rock and shoots it back at Terra. Beast Boy runs over to Raven and helps her up, and I run up to the blonde apprentice. She regains control of the boulder and shoots it at Starfire, who shoots it with two starbolts before shooting Terra with her lasers.

    Starfire's eyes stop glowing as she rushes to the girl. "Terra!"

    "Starfire, NO!" I roar as Terra opens her eye.

    "You always were easy to fool," she states as she throws Starfire back, and as Beast Boy and Raven join the redhead, I tackle Terra to the ground.

    "And you were always easy to beat," I say, holding the girl in a headlock. "Cyborg! Now!"

    Cyborg pokes his head out from behind the cannon. "Are you sure?" he shouts to me.


    Cyborg looks away before firing the cannon, which hits Terra first, then me. We're both flung across the street, in two entirely different directions, and I stand up before running to the other five Titans, clutching my head.

    Terra's still standing up when I look at her, but she quickly clenches her fists and sends yellow energy through the ground, and three monsters of earth and rock rise.

    "That's a new trick," Raven comments. Terra says something to herself, her eyes wide in awe and confusion, and she looks behind her when she stops talking. Her arm rises slightly as she looks back, and she looks forward and throws her hands to the ground, sending shockwaves throughout.

    I cling to the closest person when the ground begins to crumble, though I'm not quite sure who. The monsters disappear into the ground and reappear in front of us before shooting, and I run in another direction. One of the monsters pins Robin down, but Cyborg blasts it away before it can do more damage to him.

    The monster reappears below Cyborg and tackles him, holding the teen against it as Robin and I stare. "Titans! Fall back!" the Boy Wonder eventually commands as he throws blinding explosives at Terra.

    "Can't see!" she says in between coughs.

    I glance at Robin, confused, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. "You heard me!" he repeats. "Fall back!"

    "But we can—" I begin.

    "Fall back!" he orders once more, and throws a smoke grenade on us so that we can escape unnoticed. Beast Boy lingers, and Terra sees him as her pillar rises into the air. He looks at her, most likely in concern, before obeying Robin's order.

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