{ twenty two }

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Harry stumbled along, running as fast as he could in attempts to get away from the Blast-Ended Skrewts he'd regrettably helped to raise

He was running on adrenaline now, his initial hesitance from fear a faded thought in the back of his mind. The only thing on his mind now was avoiding being killed or severely injured...however both things he seemed to have a knack for

He was hastily treading through a particularly foggy path when he heard Cedric's voice. Upon hearing the distressed and unfamiliar tone Harry came to an abrupt halt

"What are you doing?" Cedric's voice was strained, confused "what the hell do you think you're doing?"

Harry crept closer, he felt his heartbeat quicken as he drew nearer. The unknown of it all was something which made it all the more surreal

"crucio!" It was distinctly Krum who called out the curse, his deep accented voice sounding even more robotic than usual to Harry's ears

The night's air was filled with Cedric's screams, screams so raw and horrible they made Harry's insides shrivel up

Horrified, Harry began sprinting toward the sound of Cedric's screams. However he was blocked from the older boy by the barrier of a thick hedge

Harry though wasted no time before he began crawling and pushing himself through the thick hedge, ignoring the small cuts and pokes of the sharp branches against his face. It was one rare moment where he was actually thankful for his small size

His robes tore as he struggled through but he didn't pay it any attention, his focus was only on the overwhelming concern he had for Cedric

After several moments of struggling, he finally pushed through the hedge, quickly looking to his side where Cedric was twitching and convulsing. It was a grotesque sight that hurt Harry to see

Enraged, Harry turned and shot Krum a confrontational glare of anger, however at that moment the Durmstrang boy began running away, fleeing away from the fuming Gryffindor

Harry clutched his wand tightly, and slowly raised it to to the other boy's back "stupefy!" He called loudly, a clear edge of fury in his tone

Krum fell to the ground the second the curse hit him, sending a dull wave of achievement to pass through Harry

It felt good to get revenge on the Durmstrang boy. No one hurt Cedric, especially not in front of Harry

Harry's victorious moment however was short lived, he spent a short time staring at Krum's still body before he quickly rushed back to Cedric. The Hufflepuff had his trembling hands over his face, a sight that made Harry full with anger again

"Are you alright?" He asked the older boy desperately, awkwardly patting Cedric's arm

"yeah...yeah I don't believe it...he just crept up behind me and I turned around and he had his wand on me" Cedric pulled his hands away from his face and settled his intriguing grey eyes on Harry, studying him for a few long moments before getting to his feet and shakily approaching Krum, his wand drawn in a dangerous manner

Harry quickly got to his feet, sensing Cedric's revengeful attitude and feeling compelled to be the uncharacteristic voice of reason

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