Phil's rather controversial opinion.

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Author's note:  Tried something a bit new with this.  That scene at the end is actually the scene this entire fic is built around so you better appreciate this.

TW:  Mentions of the death of a parent.  I think that's it.  Let me know if I need to tw something.

Wilbur struggled to carry all the grocery bags at the same time. It hadn't taken long for Phil and Wilbur to realize that they would have to carry grocery bags up multiple flights of stairs, bring the bags in, then walk all the way back to their respective cars and repeat the process all over again. For better or worse Wilbur had come up with the perfect solution. He could just carry all the bags at once, and he would only have to make one trip! Unfortunately, it was rather difficult.

As Wilbur walked through the doors that someone else held open for him, he caught sight of Nikki.

Wilbur couldn't open the doors into the building, so he just stood there like an idiot. Someone else walked up from behind him and held the doors open. Wilbur gave a breezy thanks and hurried in. Nikki was working at the reception desk again.

"Hey, Nikki!" Wilbur called out his customary greeting for her. Nikki was staring frustratedly at her computer screen when Wilbur entered. At the sound of his voice, she looked up at him.

"Hey, Wil," Nikki called back, a fond smile crossing her face. She noticed all the bags he was holding at once and her expression became amused. "Trying to set a record for the most grocery bags carried at once?" She asked good-naturedly. Wilbur grinned.

"You guessed it! I just got to make sure I don't drop these, or the great Phil Za will kill me," Wilbur joked back as he headed into the hallway. He really didn't want to drop them. Not only was it ingrained into his mind never to waste food, but it would also make a tremendous mess and probably annoy Phil deeply. Since it was Wilbur's week for groceries he'd have to go back to the store again and walk all the bags up to the dorm.

Several near drops and almost stumbles later, Wilbur reached the door. Wilbur had made one key mistake though, he had forgotten how he was going to get into his dorm. His hands were holding the grocery bags, but maybe he could kick the door as some form of knock? Or just whack his head against it. Then Wilbur had the bright idea of simply putting the bags in his hands down and opening the door like a normal person. Just as he was about to do so the door swung open. Phil stood in the doorway, the light behind him framing his silhouette.

Phil stared at him anxiously.

Phil had a generally laid back attitude and didn't often grow too worried unless it was about people. Wilbur slipped inside and set the groceries down on the kitchen counter. Phil shut the door and walked over to the groceries without even smiling at Wilbur's antics. Wilbur's instincts went haywire telling him that something was wrong, despite Phil beginning to calmly help put the groceries down.

"So, Phil, you seem awfully nervous. Care to enlighten me?" Wilbur said lightly.

Internally Wilbur berated himself for pushing the issue and being so nosy.

"Can Techno and Tommy come over?" Phil said, looking straight at Wilbur and easily seeing through his Wilbur's projected calm. Wilbur had been trying to act unaffected by Phil's words but the downside of having friends was that they knew you well enough to tell when you were feeling things. Or maybe that was the upside of having friends.

"I miss them," Phil admitted quietly. If Wilbur wasn't extremely interested in the conversation before, it now commanded his complete undivided attention.

"It's hard being so far away from my family," Phil said wistfully. Of course, it was hard on Phil, he was such a family man. Wilbur noticed that sometimes he would stare at the pictures on his wall with a fond sadness. Wilbur should've done something about it. Phil continued.

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