A world away, but life finds a way.

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Author's note:  This chapter was a little ambitious.  It's a series of phone calls that Wilbur hears.  Also, I have nothing against shipping and will probably write a ship story when this is over, but this isn't a ship fic.  I know, I write everybody so romantic XD.  I just want to explain the forehead kiss because people might think it's weird or might not want to waste their time reading a story if they don't like where it'll go.  I grew up in a Christian household and I loved bedtime kisses because they made me feel safer.  Affectionate forehead kisses just seem like something Phil and his family would do.

Tw:  Wilbur thinks about his mother's health's slow decline and how he handled that poorly.

Wilbur watched from his place on the loveseat as Phil racketed around in the kitchen. Phil was on the phone with Tommy again. Tommy had recovered from his fever just fine, and only had a few days of piled up schoolwork to show for it.

"That's too bad, Tommy," Phil said sympathetically. From what Wilbur could gather, Tommy had been complaining about having to do homework on the weekends because of his fever.

"Have you considered having a study group? Or asking Techno for help?" Phil suggested. From what Wilbur could tell about the two, Techno was a little prickly and awkward, but had some sharp wit and cutting sarcasm. His dry humor was something spoken of in legends. Phil had talked about it.

Tommy was more brash and bold, also a bit of a brat, but what younger sibling wasn't? He talked a lot, judging by how often Phil was silent for a while during their conversations, just giving the occasional affirmative hum. He'd get worked up a lot, sometimes Wilbur could hear him yelling through the phone.

"Okay, you're right," Phil laughed a little. "He probably wouldn't like that. What about the study group idea? You could invite Tubbo, and maybe Timedeo?"

"Oh, that's great! I bet that test was hard!" Phil said excitedly. Tommy must have passed a test with good marks, Wilbur extrapolated. "Hmmm," Phil gave a thoughtful hum as he listened to whatever was being said on the other side of the phone.

Wilbur drew his legs up into the loveseat and settled down to listen to Phil talk. It had a soothing effect on Wilbur for some reason, and he never tired of hearing Phil. It was also interesting to hear him interact with his siblings. They all had such different personalities but loved each other all the same.

Wilbur pondered if he would have had the same kind of relationship with his siblings if he'd had any. He hoped so. Wilbur didn't think much about how his past could have been different, even if he was a dreamer. It had happened, and there was no changing it.

Recently, however, he'd wondered more about these things. If he'd had siblings like Phil and Techno and Tommy. If Tommy had been there to take his mind off of his grief. If Techno had been his rock throughout his turmoil. If Phil had been there to take care of him when there was no-one else to do so. Those were just dreams, though, and they couldn't change the past, not even if Wilbur wanted them to.

Phil never cared too much about privacy. He couldn't, really, considering they shared a dorm room. He never asked Wilbur to leave when he made phone calls and didn't care much if Wilbur offered witty quips on whatever was said. It was also possible that he just didn't notice Wilbur most of the time. Wilbur was quiet, after all. He'd often accidentally, and sometimes on purpose, scared Phil with his sneaky movements and ninja skills.

Phil didn't listen in on Wilbur's phone calls. Mostly because Wilbur didn't have anybody to call. He either talked to his professors in person or over email, and since his parents were both single children he didn't have any aunts or uncles. Wilbur had seen both sets of grandparents once. They likely didn't even live in London, and he would probably never see them again.

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