Ashokan Farewell

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Please listen to these beautiful performances of the song before, during, or after you read this fic.

This one includes the lyrics. Listen to it after you read the fic.

It was one of the most beautiful sunsets Pike had ever seen, witn ruddy hues that bathed the forested hills outside of Block's village in warmth and light. He frowned. That was the problem with sunsets, Pike thought. They were beautiful but they were fleeting. You had to appreciate them in the moment beacause they faded away so quickly. He sighed as he stared at the distant willows which were slowly being engulfed by the darkness. The smell of pine tinged the cool breeze that ruffled his hair and clothing as the moon appeared low on the horizon above the mountains. He had really hoped Meklavar would be there before their little group of adventurers went their separate ways. She had already missed a spectacular sunset, and now she might just miss the party too. Where was that girl?

The sun is sinking low in the sky above Ashokan
The pines and the willows know soon we will part
There's a whisper in the wind of promises unspoken
And a love that will always remain in my heart

The villagers were celebrating. Jiro, Thunder, Valayun, Block, and his girlfriend were sitting together at one of the long tables that had been set up in the village square for the feast that had been prepared in their honor. The celebration had gotten loud, even though the night was young. There would be music and dancing all evening, and but Pike was in no mood to appreciate it. His heart was heavy, and even though a great crowd of celebrants had assembled to honor them with speeches and toasts and much adulation, Pike could find no enjoyment in any of it.

He and his friends were heroes to the people who lived in this valley. They had defeated the evil witch Haggar's monster that had turned Block's people into stone, and those same folk were now giddy with the feeling of being able to move, and breathe, and laugh again. It was as if they had died under the basilisk's stare and had just now come back to life, so of course they wanted to enjoy themselves and show their appreciation for the little group who had been their saviors. Jiro had attracted quite a large group of peasants who were thrilled by the tales of his many adventures as a Paladin, especially the children who would beg for another tale as soon as he finished the telling of one adventure. Block and Shay were in deep conversation, holding hands and staring into each other's eyes the way lovers do, and Valayun was persuading a reluctant Thunderstorm to join her in the dancing as the musicians began their first set for the evening: jigs and reels for the most part, and a few country waltzes. Pike frowned, but did not move to join in the revelry. Had Meklavar retired to her room at the inn to get some well-earned rest after their adventure? Was she coming to the party at all? He was just too miserable to think of enjoying himself right now. How could they all be so happy?

Block was staying here in the village with his girlfriend. Pike thought the young sorcerer had definitely earned the right stay home and lead a quiet life after all the sacrifices he had made for his people. Jiro had a personal quest to fulfill, and would be departing in the morning for a long journey to the distant temples of the East. Val and Thunder were going to head west to the elven lands to meet up with Thunder's mother for some secretive business that Pike didn't concern himself with. It was something about blades. He looked at Valayun, whose beauty had caught the attention of nearly every young male in the village. She paid her would-be suitors no mind, for she only had eyes for the handsome, raven-haired, half-elven boy with the violet eyes who, at the moment, was blushing as Val patiently helped him to learn the quick steps to one of the livelier dances. There was a time that Pike would have been jealous that he wasn't the center of attention at a party, but it was not this night. He scanned the crowd for Meklavar's familiar armor and horned helmet, but there was no sign of her distinctive silhouette anywhere. He watched the dancers. It seemed that Thunder was a quick learner for he was already getting the hang of the two-step that the village band was playing and he smiled down at Val as he led her around the dance floor. Valayun's eyes seemed to sparkle even more than they usually did, and Pike smiled in spite of himself. Those two made a good match, Pike thought. Maybe everything was as it should be. Maybe he just had to accept the way of things.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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