The Chamber of Secrets

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TW: i hint at harry's past abuse twice


Ron and Harry are quite bitter the next morning, their previous argument about the spiders and the forest completely forgotten in light of recent events. All those times they were in her bathroom...

Running off to go chase spiders was one feat, but getting away from the teachers long enough to go visit Myrtle is a completely different one. It doesn't help that Ron gets distracted by Professor McGonagall telling them they'll still be having exams.

"Ron, I've been talking about them for weeks," Harry says tiredly.

"But I didn't actually think we'd be doing them," Ron says.

Harry sighs.

"And can you imagine me taking exams with this?"

"Ronald, I cannot see what you are holding up," Harry deadpans.

"My wand!"

Harry rolls his eyes. Ron hits his shoulder and he shrugs.

Three days before the start of their exams, Professor McGonagall tells them good news.

"Professor Sprout has informed me that the Mandrakes are ready for cutting at last. Tonight, we will be able to revive those people who have been Petrified. I need hardly remind you all that one of them may well be able to tell us who, or what, attacked them. I am hopeful that this dreadful year will end with our catching the culprit."

There's an explosion of cheering that has Harry wincing, even though he's just as excited as them to have his best friend back.

"It won't matter that we never asked Myrtle, then!" Ron says. "Hermione'll probably have all the answers when they wake her up! Mind you, she'll go crazy when she finds out we've got exams in three days' time. She hasn't studied. It might be kinder to leave her where she is till they're over."

Somebody sits down next to Ron in Hermione's usual spot. They don't say anything.

"What's up?" Ron asks.

More silence. Harry takes a bite of his bacon.

"Spit it out," Ron says, sounding impatient.

"I've got to tell you something," a voice Harry thinks he recognizes as Ginny says, though he hasn't really heard her talk all that much.

"What is it?" Harry asks kindly, setting his bacon down.

Silence, again.

"What?" Ron is getting increasingly impatient. Harry remembers Ron telling him that Ginny usually never shuts up when Harry isn't around and he imagines Ron isn't used to having to goad information out of his sister.

When Ginny doesn't say anything, Harry leans forward and lowers his voice, "Is it something about the Chamber of Secrets? Have you seen something? Someone acting oddly?"

Ginny takes a deep breath but, just then, Percy starts talking.

"If you've finished eating, I'll take that seat, Ginny. I'm starving, I've only just come off patrol duty."

That's all it takes for Ginny to run off and for Percy to sit down.

"Percy!" Ron growls. "She was just about to tell us something important!"

Percy chokes.

"What sort of thing?" he asks, coughing.

"I just asked her if she'd seen anything odd, and she started to say —"

The Boy Who Couldn't See: Year 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora