Chapter 4

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600 years ago-

As Niklaus ripped out Hazels heart I felt like he had ripped out mine as well. I rushed over to her body letting a few tears roll down my cheek. Niklaus looked at me and said
"Remember what I said about you and her... consequences kol"
I was so drawn back by her death I had no words I was completely unable to speak. I then remember something. Oh my God she drank my blood! She'll become a vampire she just needs to wake up then feed to become one. I look up at Niklaus trying to make it seem like she was really gone
"Our father was right. You are a bastard, a disgrace, an awful animal" I said wiping my tears
Niklaus looked at me with such rage and reached for my arm and vamped off with me.
"Where the bloddy hell are you taking me Niklaus"
"Away" he said as we reached a cemetery. I knew this scene all to well.
"no" I said as I tried to fight Niklaus. I got out of his grasp and swung a punch at him hitting his face. As soon as he hit the floor I vamped off trying to get away from him. I look around and saw no sign of Niklaus. I need to get back to Hazel. I was about to vamp off when Klaus pushed me against a tree and stabbed me with the thing I hated the most. His daggers. I dropped to the floor Dessicating, the last words I heard was
"Dont worry brother I'll treat Hazel well" and then i fully dessicated.

I woke up on the floor of Kols room, I was cold and hungry. I sit up and look around the room to see my heart across the room.
"what the bloody hell?" I say looking at the heat and then my chest. Am I dead? I finally stand up and walk out of kols room. Why am I so hungry I dont understand. As I'm lost in thought I bump into Elijah and Rebekah.
"What in Gods name happened to you Hazel?" Elijah said looking at the blood that covered my beautiful blue dress. I didnt even notice. Rebekah and Elijah look at each other then me. They both grab my arms and take me into their kitchen. Thank god I was literally starving but it wasnt food I wanted, I'm not sure what it was but this hunger was strong. Rebekah came up to me and says
"Hazel did you by chance drink any vampire blood today?" I was confused at her question at first but then I remembered everything. Holy shit I drank kols blood and then Niklaus killed me.
"Oh my god I'm a vampire arent i?"
"not yet you need to feed to complete the transition" Elijah says as he bring me what looks like a blood bag.
"now you dont have to drink if you dont want to but if you dont you die hazel" Rebekah reminds me.
"Wheres Kol?" I say
"I'm not exactly sure"
"Well I drank his blood then Niklaus killed me. Well more detail he ripped out my heart" I say as I feel the hunger more and I more weak. I cant die. I have a father, a brother, a boyfriend, and his wonderful family (besides Niklaus) I slowly reach for the blood bag and take a sip out of it. Damn why is that so good. I drink the rest of the bag and looks at the two Mikaelsons infront of me.
"I need more" I say as I get up and grab another blood bag. I drink another and the hunger just grows stronger. I then remember the first time I met Kol. He fed on me then erased my memory of it.. so why am I remembering it now? I shrug it off and continue to raid their kitchen with all the blood they have. Elijah pulls me away from it and throws me back onto the chair that I was sitting in.
"Control yourself hazel" he said. I can feel my anger and hunger grow inside of me. Why am I feeling like this. Suddenly I hear this voice inside my head yelling at me "kill a human" "kill" "end a humans life" I got up and vamped outside. Thank god I learned from Kol about vampires. Speaking of Kol I need him. I fall back to the sound of the yelling in my head again "feed" "end a innocents life" I got up and vamped into town. Oh my god all the voices at once were killing my ears. I spotted this girl, she looked around my age maybe a little younger. "that's the one" "kill her" I walk over to her
"Hey I love your hair" i say trying to start conversation
"oh thank you! It's just my normal everyday hair"
"well its beautiful. Can you come with my real quick?" she looks at me like I'm crazy which technically I am. I needed her blood. She surprisingly nodded and I took her into a alley. She looked so delicious. I compelled her to obey and she did just that. It's so weird compulsion. I bit into her neck sucking on her blood. "that's it kill her" the girl then whispered "you're hurting me" then all of a sudden my brain felt like it was melting
"what the hell" I croak through my pain. I look up to see a blonde chick, blue eyes, about 5'7, with braids. She stops whatever magic she was doing and looks at me. Shes very gorgeous I'll give her that even though she just melted my brain. She gave me her hand to help me get up, I took it and looked at her.
"I'm Freya and you are?"
"Hazel. Your a witch huh"
"is it obvious I kinda melted your brain" she said chuckling. I let a little laugh out and then realize the voices they were gone. "I'm sorry I ruined your dinner but if I wasnt there you would have killed her and I couldnt let that happen" I look at the girl unconscious on the floor.
"Oh my God I did that? I'm new to this and-" I got cut off by Freya saying
"someone's coming I have to go. Meet me by the market later tonight" then she left. I turned around to see elijah and Rebekah walking over to me. Rebekah hugged me while Elijah compelled the girl to forget everything.
"I'm so sorry I just I had this voice that was wanting me to kill her and if it werent for fr-" I stopped myself she didnt want to be known obviously so I corrected myself. "for that witch I would have killed her" They both nodded and sat me down.
"look you arent going to like what we are about to tell you" Rebekah said
"what is it" I look at them curiously. Elijah cleared his throat and looked at me. He gave me a piece of paper. I looked at it. It read
Dear Hazel,
I am leaving for a long time. Dont try to find me, move on, forget about me, and don't even think about me. I'm leaving you. Goodbye.
-Kol Mikaelson
As I read that my heart shattered. I cried holding the paper next to my chest almost like I was hugging it. I cant believe I was the one who got played not the other way around. I wasnt supposed to get attached like this. I fell arms around me and realized its Rebekah hugging me. I hug her back sobbing into her shoulder. "turn it off" the voices are back. "you dont have to feel anything" "just flip your switch" I remember kol talking about humanity switches, they are just like a lever going off and on. Just one flip and it's all gone. All the pain, all the suffering, it's all just gone. That seemed like a pretty good idea no more feeling anything. It would be all gone. I close my eyes and reach for my humanity switch. All my love for him would just be gone. I then flipped the switch and opened my eyes.
"Much better" I say smiling.

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