He walks in my direction and grab my hand. He drags me to the elevators and he presses the last button, 25th floor.

The whole time he holds my hand. I don't really know what to do, so I just keep looking at the small screen showing the floor we're at.

We're so close right now, that my hand starts to sweat. And I wonder if he notices it, praying that he does not.

Once we get to the last floor he walks directly to the staircase. "I know that you're on heels, but the only way up is by the stairs." He says while we climb it up. "It's okay. Since we don't go up 25 floors it's alright." I say and he laughs. "Zayn where are you taking me ?" "I ask. "There's something I want to show you." He says turning his head and smiling at me.

Finally we reach the end, and I can't see how cloud be any other floors, which I was thankful for. "Close your eyes." "What ?" "Just close them Alex." I do as I am told and he pushes me outside. I shiver at the felling of the cold air of the night. "Open them." He whispers by my ear from behind me, which makes me shudder.

I slowly open my eyes to see one of the prettiest views I ever saw. The sky was dark, and the city lights were shining like stars.

"Woah. It's....beautiful Zayn." I say turning to him, and I realize his eyes are glued to me, studying my reaction. "You're beautiful." He says and I realize how close we are. I don't answer him. I don't even know what to say. It's not like I'm doing a lot of thinking right now. The only thing that comes to my mind its his lips. Those soft lips, that if you listen closely, you can hear them calling my name. I look up at his eyes one more time before I pull him by his neck and our lips touch.

His kisses are always sweet and calm. Basically the opposite of Harry's. But still perfect.

His thumb was making small circles at my hip and my right cheek, and my legs were weak. My hands rested on his shoulders, with a hard grip, like my life depended on it.

We break away from the kiss, and it takes a few seconds till I'm able to speak. "This is definitely the best date ever." I say still gasping for air. "I'm glad your enjoying it." He smiles and kisses my cheek. "You're the one that's making it wonderful." He says and let go of my hand. He grabs the blanket of the ground. "Wanna sit with me ?" He says unfolding the blanket and showing me that there was actually two of them. "Yeah." Is all that comes out of my mouth. He sets one of them in the ground and sits on it. The other he puts around him and calls for me to seat next to him. I fell butterflies in my stomach. I take of my heals and seat right by his side.

Perfect. Everything is perfect right now. The city. The boy next to me. This night. And everything only gets better when he puts his arm around me and starts singing sweet melodies by my ear.


"Alex." I hear a raspy voice call me. "Hmm." I respond. I don't want to wake up. "Alex." The voice calls me again. "What." I say grumpily sitting up. "Good morning beauty." Zayn says and I froze. Shit. I must look like crap. There wants a morning where I woke up less then horrible. Quickly I start to try to untangle my hair. He just laughs at me. "Don't say anything okay." I say and he keeps laughing. "Okay, okay." He says and I look around. We're still on the roof. And the sun haven't raise yet. "We're living ?" "No. Well not right now. I thought since we stayed till now, we could wait a bit more." "Why ?" I asks and he point to the horizon. "The sunrise." He says and I look to the pink and blue sky. He gets up and offers me help. I get up on my bare feet and walk to the edge. The streets are empty, and there's still a few lights on here and there. And the sun light passing through the builds.

"I guess this is going to be not the best, but the longest date too." I say and Zayn laugh. I hear his steps as he walks in my direction. "Sorry if you get grounded for getting so late at home." He says holding me from behind. "Or early." "Yeah." He says resting his chin on my shoulder. "I only hope my mom doesn't think that anything happened. I'm more scared to have her lecturing me about sex." He laughs and I join him.

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