Chapter 2, Claire POV

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No. Fucking. Way. This cannot be happening right now. I just got paired to be in a group with the cutest girl in this class for the whole semester. I spin around excited to face her, "Isn't this great, we get to work on this project together for the next semester!" I exclaim, trying to keep my excitement contained. "Y-Yeah, its pretty exciting." She stammers out. Looking around the colorful room I try and think of some ideas for what our project should be. "I have so many ideas, we could do a painting or-" I say before I get interrupted. "Fine, a painting it is." She says. "But I haven't even finished telling you all my ideas." I say. "Let's just do a painting and get it over with." She says. "I did notice you drawing that horse earlier, it looks really good, you have a lot of talent for that." I say, clearly trying to flatter her. "Yeah it's whatever." She mumbles back quickly. At a loss for how to keep the conversation going I tell her I love her hair. "It looks really nice, I like it a lot." I say. She mumbles something incoherent as she pulls out her phone to waste time. "Hey." I say grabbing her shoulder and turning her around. "You should speak up, it'd be such a shame to not be able to hear what a cutie like you is saying." I say. Then she lost it.

"Are you fucking dense?" She hissed at me. "I'm not interested in you and I will never be, so stop fucking hitting on me." She said even louder. "I- I'm sorry I didn't" I stammer out, stupefied. "Like hell you didn't know, the only way I could have made it more clear I'm not interested is by writing it on a large sign and waving it in your face." She continued, raising her voice. "I'll stop we can still-" I tried to calm myself down. "We can still what? Do this group project?" She said. "I- I guess." I said. She finally seemed to calm down. "Fine, but we're only partners, you need to drop this stunt you're pulling because it'll never work. Just as she finished speaking, the bell rang. 

"Alright, everyone please make sure you have a way to communicate with your partners out of school, I expect you to work on this outside of class." Mrs. Coleman said as everyone was packing up. I turned to face Lily to see her groan and roll her eyes. "Just give me your phone number." She said, handing her phone over so I could put in a contact. I quickly put my name and number in and hand it back. "I shouldn't have exploded, but I swear to god if you try that again..." She said trailing off. I dashed out of the classroom before she could give me her number and ran straight to the bathroom, crying.

I dash straight into a bathroom stall and lock the door behind me, sobbing. How could I have been so stupid? I should have stopped when I had the chance but I didn't. Now I'm going to be stuck in a group project with a girl who hates me for the whole semester. Why did I have to flirt with her, I could have just kept my mouth shut and done the project normally and everything would have been fine. But instead I just had to flirt with her because I thought she was cute. Who was I kidding, she's probably straight anyways. As I sit in the bathroom stall crying my eyes out, I hear the bell ring. I need to get to class if I don't want another tardy. I step out and wipe my tears quickly and I hurry along to my next class.

The rest of the day felt like a blur, all the classes were pretty much the same, the teachers told us what they expected from us and how to behave. I mostly stared out the window feeling miserable about what had happened. As my final class for the day wraps up I head towards my locker and put everything in my backpack. I hop into the school bus and take a long ride back home. As soon as the bus stops I rush straight to my room and scream into a pillow. I waste time on my phone until its black out and I have to go to bed. As I'm about to go to sleep my phone buzzes with a text notification. It's from an unknown number. "Hey is this Claire? I was wondering if we could talk." It reads. My heart skips a beat as I pick the phone up and reply.

Its gay idk what else to sayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora