42 0 0

MAY 2006

At the gallery, Justin Taylor was waiting for the art curator to come out with his check. He dug his hands into his jeans pockets, and stared and admired various other art pieces on the wall.

Then, somebody was standing behind him and spoke.

"I heard you are good..."

Justin turned and saw Callum standing there with a stupid grin on his face, "Yeah...so I'm told"

Callum looked about the gallery, "Do you think one day you will famous?"

Justin laughed, "Yeah...like so many an artist...when i'm dead"

Callum nodded and looked at him carefully watching his reactions, "When I was talking to your friend the other night...and SHE told me you were gonna be here by the way...she said that you used to do art-work for a comic book"

Justin's grin widened, "Yeah...but we all need to grow up...I'm focusing on the more serious now"

Callum shook his head and both of them looked about them and not at each other until Callum turned around and faced him head on, "Do you want to come out with me?"

Justin tried not to look at him as he pulled on his shirtsleeves, "Where too?"

"Anywhere of your choosing..."

Before Justin could answer, the curator came down the polished steps and was heading right towards him with a piece of paper in his grasp.

"Here we go Mr Taylor...payment as promised...LESS the fee of having it displayed here might I add..."

Justin took the check and scrutinized it, "how much!"

"The piece was up for several weeks"

Justin tried to look grateful for the peanuts amount he received, "That's just well...great...thank you"

The curator could detect a little bit of sarcasm in the boy's tone of voice, "Yeas, well...you know where to come if you've got something else..."

Callum watched the curator go and turned back to Justin, "the check sucks huh?"

Justin shook his head and was already heading towards the exit, "I could earn more on a months tips at the bar, believe me"

Callum followed him out the doors, and once they were outside in the brilliant New york sunshine, he said, "Look...you still could celebrate...you made a sell? Or...you can come out and use it as an excuse to commiserate"

Callum was now sporting a cool pair of sunshades.

Justin looked at him and folded the check in his back pocket, "why not...meet you at Zzens around 9"

"It's a date"

Justin shook his head and walked down the steps to the street as Callum deliberately admired his tight little ass.


Justin made it to the club on time. Callum was already there and waiting up at the bar. A bottle of beer was waiting.

"love the vest, blondie", said Callum.

Justin shrugged, "You know how it is, I just threw this on"

The music was loud and upbeat. Callum was already working up a sweat and raffled Justin's hair, "Your hair is so enticingly touchable"

Justin shook his head.

They both stood at the bar watching the club revel in the mood, "So... you're are with someone?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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