Stupid teacher!

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My first thought is to turn around and hear what he has to say, but my legs disagree. I begin walking towards the door again.

"Thea!" He shouts angrily while getting closer to me "if you don't turn around right now, you'll get detention next week too." He threatens me. I roll my eyes and sigh before turning his way and begin walking to the principal's office. When I get besides him, I bump my shoulder into him and pretend nothing happened. "Enough is enough Thea. One more mistake this week and I'll give you even more detention! Do you understand that?" He says slightly pissed. I don't answer. Just keep walking, but I maybe should've answered. In a second he's by my side pulling me through the halls.

We get to a little room with only a table, a chair and a blackboard. "Sit" he commands. At this point I don't really care if he's gonna give me more detention. When I'm about to turn around and walk out, he grabs my arm with an angry face. "SIT DOWN! NOW!" he tells me with clenched teeth. I groan, but sit down knowing there won't be a way out. "Thea, this attitude has to stop here and now", he says, "you have to learn, that there is a time, when you just have to give up. Like now. So now I'll write a sentence here, and then you'll have to write it on this paper 50 times, while I go back and teach your class. Understand?" he hands me a paper while searching for an answer. "I'm not a fucking kid" I mumble. "What did you just say?" "Nothing" I say. "Yeah that's what I thought. Now start so you get done in time", he tells me before leaving.

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