Ch 4: Friends and First Phase

Start from the beginning

       I followed them, making it look like I was just going the same way that they were. The small backpack I had hung on my right shoulder swung back and forth as I walked, following them.

        They were in the boat that was just ahead of me and had endured the large storm, our boat was held back a few days because something happened to the captain and they had to find a new one. The new captain told a few people to get off of the boat, I don't remember what they did, but I know that they aren't going to be able to take the exam.

        My guess is that the captain was singling out people who they didn't think would pass or be able to be good hunters after the hunters exam. Why they left me alone without being interrogated is a mystery to me. They were walking towards a restaurant. They were following two people, who looked like siblings.

        One of the siblings said something to the cook when we got inside of the building. I snuck quietly and swiftly to the top of the elevator. Before the elevator came to a stop I got off to see a room full of qualified people ready to be Hunters. The first phase could start any minute, so I had to be as focused and observant as possible. The first phase will most likely be the easiest, so I guess I could slack off a little and see what everyone else is doing. I could hear soft murmurs fill the room, people talking to others they already knew or just met.

        Before I started to go any further into the room, someone stopped me and gave me a badge that had the number 406 on them. His skin was green and he was short. The people in front of me were 405, 404 and 403. As I started listening more to their conversation, I found out that their names were Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio.

        There was another man going around trying to give all of the rookies some sort of juice. How do I know that he hasn't poisoned it or at least done something to it? I couldn't take my chances, even if it wasn't rigged with anything, the carbonation of the juice could make it hard for me to function properly, like I usually do.

        All of a sudden I heard some people screaming. I rushed over to see what was happening and stopped when I saw what had happened.

        "Oh how peculiar, this man's arms just turned into flower petals." Said a clown looking man.

        Everyone seemed to be afraid of him, like they held a grudge against him even before he turned that man's arms into flower petals.

        The clown guy wore a crop top with what looked like pink bandages underneath and baggy seeming pants. There was another man there that seemed to stand out to me. He wore a green outfit with a yellowish shirt underneath. He had purple skin and a blue-violet Mohawk. But, the things that made him stand out the most, were the yellow pins in his face and outfit as well as the fact that he had a similar style to the clown guys.

        "That's Hisoka, you better watch out for him," Said the man handing out juice. The group I was following before was standing next to me watching as the man looked in horror at his armless self.

        "Last year, I heard he got disqualified for trying to kill an examiner he didn't approve of," He starts," Hi, names Tonpa."

        "H-Hi," I said awkwardly. He didn't seem like he could be much of a threat, so I think I don't have to watch out for him.

        "Don't drink his juice," Said Leorio," It's gone bad," he said, pointing to Tonpa's bag.

        Leorio seemed trust-worthy, I might be able to use him, or at least get him to help me in some way, shape or form. Kurapika seemed like he was hiding something.

        Tonpa seemed like that too, he probably did put something in the drink.

        "All I needed was some forest boy to mess up my plans," He murmured. Forest Boy? I looked at Gon, who was smiling widely. He must've tasted something that a normal person wouldn't have. He seemed to be the youngest person here taking the test. He must've been exposed to these types of things since a very young age.

        All of a sudden, the metal wall started to go up and it revealed what looked like one of the Hunter Examiners. He was tall, had purple hair and a mustache. He wore a suit.

        "Good evening everyone I'm Satotz, the first phase of the Hunter's Exam is going to start," He starts," First, I would like to tell everyone that the Hunters Exam is very difficult, and you could die as a result of taking this test, anyone who doesn't want to take this risk, or doesn't think that they're good enough to take it, can leave and try again next year," He finishes. I look around to see if anyone left the building.

        The room was silent, everyone here came in order to pass, no regrets. I wasn't surprised that no one wanted to turn back. Some people worked hard just to pass the pre-exam, we weren't going to let this opportunity pass us up.

        "Now to start the first phase," He projected his voice," Just follow me." He turned around and stated walking in large steps towards the long, seemingly endless hallway. People started jogging after him. A few minutes of jogging and following him, I saw another boy, who looked to be the same age as Gon. He had white hair and cat-eyes. I ended up jogging away from all the people I knew, and going a little faster than usual.

        I realized that I ended up jogging right next to Hisoka for a few minutes without noticing.

        "Hi there," He said, I cringed slightly. But, his aura was strong, as if he's had years and years of training, but decided to hide it.

        "H-Hi," I said. Silently observing his jogging pace. The one in the green outfit wasn't too close behind, but I felt him staring straight into my soul. A part of me wanted to just ignore them for the entire time and try to take the Hunters Exam to my full capacity. But, another part of me also wanted to get to know them, see how they could be useful. After all, they could be stronger than me.

        If I was ever to get into a predicament, I would need someone with more experience and usefulness to help me out. Those two seemed to fit the criteria.

        Hisoka seems to be focusing, even though his aura made it seem like he wasn't. It's hard to tell what he's thinking about, same with the other one. If I made friends with them, I might be able to get even stronger through some advice, or it might even be easier to pass the test.

        "What's up," I say to Hisoka, who looks at me with a creepy stare. I shiver, something doesn't feel right about this, but I'll never know how the outcome will be unless I try. He doesn't answer for a while, just stares at me, until he says.

        "Nothingggg," He replies elongating his word a little, making it sound even more creepy than it would've before. If I wanted to be able to even tolerate him, I'd have to get used to him unexpected creepiness.

        We stay silent the rest of the way, my legs start to feel tired and my breathing quickens. My endurance had been running out. This is the longest I've ever honestly run in my life. I had to keep going though, I needed to pass this test on the first try. Right now, I don't even have a job. Meanwhile, my sister started her own company and has been making a fortune since she was eighteen years old. Although, even with all her riches and beauty, she still seemed humble, which was my favorite thing about her.

        I see Leorio and Kurapika pass us, Leorio looking like a waterfall of sweat. Kurapika looked like he was keeping his cool, although I could tell his legs seemed a little weaker. We must've run 80 Kilometers by now.

        I heard a metal door open a lot like this. One at the start of the first phase. Gon and Killua simultaneously finished through the door and argued on who won the race. Eventually, they asked the examiner who he thought won. He said it was simultaneous and Gon offered to pay for his lunch.

        Once I got outside, I assumed that the first phase had been over, but that the second one was just beginning. We were in a swampy area, the horizon was foggy and the grass was wet. The door closed and there was a man who didn't make it past. I almost felt bad for him, but I remembered that I had to focus on myself, the reason he didn't make it was because he was unskilled.

        Hisoka stood behind me and I felt him glaring at me. I felt small. He was tall and I was pretty short. But, I could also sense the difference in our strength. It was almost painful.

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