I surrender

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Dammit. Gerard, my bully, sent me a note. Yeah, the reason why I said 'my bully' is because he doesn't beat anyone else up. But this is the thing. I don't know why, but I like him. His black raven hair, his eyes, his drawing skills. Everything I know about him, like it. But I know he will never like me.

I open my weekly threat note, suprised of what it actually was.

Meet me by the lake near the school. I need to ask you about something special. Oh, yeah and be there 15 to six pm babe. ;-)


Was this sort of game? Or was he finally giving up the bully thing? Either way I was still happy. I actually paid attention in my classes. As I proceeded down the school's corridor. I met up with Mikey, Gerard's younger brother and Ray, Our mutual friends.

"Hey Mikes, Ray!" We went to Ray's house and watched some netflix.

We were watching Psych as my alarm set off to start walking to the lake. "Oh guys, I gotta go somewhere." They just nodded, staring at the tv as I left. I cannot wait to see him.

I arrived at the lake 6:45 straight. It was dark, because daylight savings started two days ago, when I saw a figure approaching me.

"Hey Gerard why did you-" I stopped at the middle of my sentence when it wasn't Gerard. Instead it was this strange man, wait, it wasn't just a strange man, it was my ex-boyfriend, Bert. And little did you know, Bert, was Gerard's boyfriend.

" I missed you babe." he said with a smirk as he caressed my chin.

"Well tough, because I didn't missed you, you know what you did to me." I snapped.

"I thought you loved being touched." He said. He came closer to me and whispered " Especially in the right places." in my ear as he began nibbling on it.

"Only when you ask." I said, backing away from him while shivering, at what happened last year.

"Didn't I ask? Oh wait, I didn't." He laughed as he said the last part.

"You know? Cute people like you shouldn't be out here. Especially when I'm around" I tried to run, knowing what he was going to do next, but he grabbed a hold of my sweater before I could run.

"Oh no Iero, I am going to finish what I started, after all your parents aren't here to walk in on me trying to rape you, especially your dad." I got teary eyed, of mentioning about my now dead dad.

I screamed, trying to get anyone nearby to help me. Luckily, someone came to help. He had longish raven hair. similar to Gerard's.

He beat him until Bert was in an unconcious state. The man lifted me up as I saw his face.


"Yes Frank?" He said with a sweet voice.

"Why aren't you beating me up?"

"Would you want that?"

"No." I answered.

"I thought so sweetie. Also I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" I was questioned.

"For beating you up, and this."

"But you didn't do this, this was Bert."

"Yeah, but I broke up with him once I found out I have feelings for you, plus he was just treating like this stupid sex slave, there wasn't any feeling, just sex."

" I agree with you."

"Wait, how do you know?"

"Used to date him, broke up with him because he... well... he raped me...nothing serious happened, thank goodness." I started tearing up when Gerard wiped my tears away.

"Hey, it's okay sweetie. Anyway, when I put that note into your locker, he saw me do it, so he blackmailed me to tell me what that note was for. When I told him that it was for you, he flipped his shit."

"What did he say he will do?"

"He said...he will torcher Mikey."


"So I secretly followed him to this spot. I was behind that tree." He pointed to the tree as we started walking.

"Why did you want to talk to me?"

"Well, do you want to be my boyfriend?" He asked.

"I thought you'd never ask." I said, with relief, thinking that I had to make the first move.

"Well I believe this is your stop." He said to me.

"Goodbye kiss?" He asked. I nodded.

He collided with my lips, soft and sweet. A minute later he let go.

"Bye Frankie." He said as he waved to me.

"Bye Gee." He blushed a crimson red at that nickname. I laughed and went inside when my mom was grinning like an idiot at me.

"What mom?"

"Did your bully finally surrender?" She asked, still grinning.

"How do you know?" Eager for an answer.

"I saw your kissing session through the foyer window." I blushed and stuck my tongue out at her

" What? You guys make a good couple. Anyway, dinner is ready." I had dinner with my mom laughing, as we told jokes to each other, showered, and went to bed. I can't wait to see Gerard, my Gerard.

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