sixty- forever

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seonghwa pov

No matter how many times I have to do it, goodbyes are never easy.
Not now, not 200 years ago.
But last night was the hardest since the time I had to leave my own family.
It warmed my heart to hear and feel the love between the friend group.
The warmth tickled my cold skin and entranced my lips to morph into a bittersweet smile.
My eyes were pricked by tears, almost like a billion little bee stings.
We all held onto each other with strong arms, our embraces stable and unwavering.
We all latched onto each other, not quite ready to let go.
When we all separted, I watched intently as Yunho and Mingi wiped away each others tears and as Jongho hugged himself tightly.
A supportive and comforting aura coated them, but reeked with a profound sadness.
It made me happy for Joong to know that his friends are genuinely excited for him.
Such a thing is rare.
Yunho insisted that we all keep in contact, to which we happily obliged.
Mingi and Hongjoong shared one last intimate moment, holding each other close and whispering to each other about something.
I don't know what was said, but whatever it was left the bestfriends feeling all giddy.
With one last chant of 'i love yous' and 'i''ll miss you' between the friend group, Hongjoong and I let our feet guide us out of the club, though our hearts yearned to stay there.
The more red light that faded from our skin, the more distance was added between the three males and us.
With each step we took, I felt Joong's intense, varying emotions rise.
It was almost like a kettle of tea, churning and churning until steam whizzed out all at once.
And that's exactly what happened when we set foot in the packed up apartment that smelled of roses and familiarity.
When my large hands closed the wooden door and locked it, loud sobs broke into the air.
The cries pierced my ears and stabbed right through the core of my dead heart.
Hongjoong's angelic face twisted into a pained expression laced with guilt.
Like he was truly broken, his tiny body collapsed and I rushed to catch him.
He ended up caged in my arms, curling his hands into my shirt, sobbing that he "will miss those motherfuckers" and that he is "crying like a bitch, yuck."
Of course, I took the liberty of wiping his tears away, replacing them with chaste kisses.
I scooped his limp body up in my strong arms and carried him to the bed that is no longer just his, but ours.
He insisted that it be that way, and I can't find myself to be opposed.
In the fragrant bed, I whispered sweet nothings into his pierced ear, letting my fingers course through his blue locks, resulting in his sobs become quieter and quieter, eventually morphing into little hums.
And thats how we laid until early morning.

"You feelin' better Joongie?"
I lay with my head , neck, and top of my shoulders propped up against the headboard.
His mop of straight, blue hair lays flat against my abdomen, his facial features on full display for me.
The orangey light from the rising sun illuminates his face, making his skin look soft and his lashes look even more dark.
His slighty puffy eyes open, their grey color shining in an enchanting manner.
With a high-pitched voice, he lazes out, "Mmmmm, you made me feel better."
A smile wipes across my face, which he notes, causing him to bring his little fingers up to my red lips, touching them with his thumbs only to let his other digits feel across my cheeks.
I feel like purring as my skin erupts with a billion little tingles in the spots where the ridges in his fingertips make contact with me.
Briefly, I close my burning eyes and revel in the euphoric feeling of his touch.
Hongjoong cuts through the silence in a mockingly deep  voice saying, "Aww, my pretty baby~"
Is he trying to imitate me? This lil cutie, I swear-
My eyes fly open to find his pink lips held in a smirk and his soft brows raised.
His expression practically screams out, "do something about it, you won't."
Feeling playful, I open my mouth and gently bite down on his thumbs that rub my plump lips.
Grey orbs roll dramatically in their sockets at my action but giggles resound in the serene room.
I unlatch my teeth, quite content with his reaction.
Before I speak, I bring my long fingers to his blue locks, working lazily to make a few little braids.
Joong looks pretty with braids.
"Are you really ready to leave?"
"I'm ready....i'll just miss them.  A whole fuckin lot."
My fingers continue their braiding as I look into his midnight black pupils.
"I know baby, I know. But they can always visit and i'm sure Yunho will terrorize you everyday through facetime."
At that, Joong giggles loudly, his straight teeth and little fangs showing off for my eyes.
When his laughs subside, I quit braiding.
Instead, my fingers comb through the loose braids, straightening them out again.
My palm glides over the silkiness of his locks gently.
His bright eyes close and he nestles into my touch, much like a puppy would if they were getting pet.
My cold heart swells, almost increasing in size like a balloon at his adorable actions.
An adoring filter lays over my vision, making my tiny boyfriend seem even more beautiful.
I go to move my hands but am stopped quickly.
Slapped over the top of my huge hand is Hongjoong's tiny one.
His own hand encourages me to continue patting him lovingly, as his grip guides me back to the fluid petting motion.
Instantly, my mind flashes back to months ago, a nostalgic air enveloping me.
My eyes become dreamy and hazy just thinking of it.
Joongie's voice snaps me out of my thoughts rather quickly though.
"The fuck are you thinking about? Give me love you idiot!"
On his pretty pink lips is a child-like pout, which makes me shake my head and chuckle.
"I'm thinking of you, angel."
His pout softens into a small smile and his colorful orbs shine out of interest.
"Thinking of me? You've piqued my interest, tell me more."
I keep my hands on his body, but instead of dragging over his hair, I stroke the side of his face.
The iciness of our skin blends together, making shivers run down both of our spines.
Still, his mini palm stays attached to me, his fingers gripping at my hand.
"I was just thinking about the time you were sick all those months ago. You know, after I saw you at the cafe. You reaaaaally tried to convince me that you weren't interested, but I knew you were. You liked my touch and you kept my hands on you...just like you are now. I heard your thoughts for the first time that day and I can never forget it. That was the first time that being so close to someone felt so right."
He joins me in my dreamy state, his gaze scanning all over my face.
"Shit, so much has changed since then, huh Hwa?"
I hum in response, rubbing circles on the apples of his cheeks.
Silence ensues for a bit before I interject.
"You made me break all my rules, you know that? I wasn't supposed to love anyone ever again. But then you came along...with your round eyes..."
My fingers caress next to his orbs, "...blushing cheeks..."
I trail my touch down to his squishy cheeks, "...and soft lips."
I end my fingers' venture at his lips, swiping across the soft surface slowly, the plumpness of his lips dragging along.
"How was I supposed to stand by my rules when someone as beautiful as you lands right in front of me, hmm?"
"Shit just-"
"AND! And that dirty mouth of yours! How was I supposed to resist you? There was no way, Hongjoong. I was yours from the beginning."
His grey eyes flutter closed again.
Peaceful silence coats the area for some minutes, the only noises present being the sounds from cars outside on the street.
"I'm glad it was you, Seonghwa."
"Glad what was me?"
"The person I opened up to. The person I got closest to. The person I shared all my secrets and insecurities with. My first and only love. My soulmate. I'm glad it was you."
Giddiness spreads through my chest and my fangs grow, my body aching so sweetly.
Right away, I break into a fit of squeals and laughs, my face hurting from smiling so wide.
"Awe~ my pretty boy! That was so sweet, oh my god!"
He keeps his eyes closed, but the small smile on his face increases in size.
After I calm myself, I touch the tattoo-like soulmate mark on his neck, noting how he shudders from the touch.
"I'm glad it was you, too. You have no idea how intrigued I was from the start."
Finally, he opens his dazzling eyes, only to furrow his brows in disbelief.
"Psh, yeah right. I saw you staring at me all the fucking time."
"For you to notice, that means you were looking at me too."
He opens his mouth, but finds no quick rebuttal.
Gotchu there, love.
I snicker evily and remove my touch from the soulmate mark.
"Really though Joong, thank you for opening up to me and trusting me. I know it was hard."
At this, he lifts himself off of my defined abs and sits upright.
He lays his own back on the headboard, making both of us crane our necks sideways to look at each other.
"Sappy shit again? You want me to vomit, don't you?"
His cool tone reveals nothing, but the teasing look on his face tells me he is joking.
"It felt fitting."
He shakes his head, letting electrifying bluehair fall in font of his face.
"Well....thank you for accepting me as I am.  And um-um and for loving me."
"Of course Joongie! I love you so so much ~"
The corner of his luscious lips curl upwards as his short fingers crawl over to mine.
He begins playing with them, watching the actions in a fascinated manner.
"I love you more"
"No, I love-"
He quickly cuts me off and says in a stern voice, "I love you most! Ha, you can't beat that, you lil' shit."
I groan loudly and let my head fall to the side, landing right on Joong's little shoulder.
My silver hair tickles his smooth skin, making him
twitch a bit.
"Hey angel....what were you and Mingi whispering about?"
"You caught that?"
"Mmmm yes~"
I snuggle into him a bit more as I wait for him to explain.
"He told me to keep you until the day I die. That you're the one for me.  And I told him to marry Yunho ot else i'll murder him."
My fangs elongate and throb greatly, which makes me run my tongue over them.
The simple explanation tickles the depths of my heart.
"I think I love you so much it hurts. Agh! Heal me baby, heal me!"
I hear him scoff above me, but he begins to stir.
His fingers detach from mine and instead guide my jaw up lightly.
He pushes my face off of his shoulder, holding it in the air by his grasp.
Tiny fingers cradle my jaw and squish my cheeks a bit.
My cat-like orbs flash their azure color at him, anticipating his 'healing method'.
Slowly, he inches forward, letting our noses brush together.
He turns his head and presses a kiss so gentle on my lips that it makes me squirm.
The slow movements drive me mad, but in the best way possible.
After a few moments, he disconnects us and stares me in the eyes.
"All better?"
"All better....but I think I should get one more to be sure."
He laughs quietly and throws his head back, his straight hair following his motions.
When he stops laughing, he gets closer to my face again.
He lays a kiss on my forehead, then my long nose.
He backs up for a second and looks me in the eyes once more.
Coming closer again, he kisses my lips, letting the movements of his own lips put me in a trance.
Joong disconnects and kisses my chin, then the line of my jaw.
He lowers his head further, dipping down to my neck.
Like the little tease he is, his little fangs nip at the soulmate mark, making a billion butterlfies erupt in my stomach.
It makes me groan lowly, which makes him smile against my thin neck.
He presses on last kiss on the mark and raises his gaze back up.
"You should be good now."
My veiny hands rise to his face, holding one side tenderly.
I place one last peck on his lips and hum happily.
"Yes, thank you my Hongjoongie~"
We gawk at each other for a bit before I notice Hongjoong's pretty features display an odd emotion.
Abruptly, he brings his body into an upright position, his knees pushed against the bed as his butt rests on the back of his legs.
His doe eyes widen as his voices booms out, "What fucking time is it?!"
I scrunch my dark, angular brows together and seek out my phone in the rose-scented sheets.
Once I spot it, I click the lock button, the time becoming displayed for me.
His eyes widen further as he hurriedly hops off the bed.
I rack my brain for an answer as to why he is acting like this.
6:45......oh shit! Our flight!
My own eyes widen as I jump out of the bed, scrambling over to the bathroom.
Hongjoong is already changing into a new outfit, jumping around to wiggle into his skinny jeans.
"This is why i'm in charge of watching the time! If we are late, i'm gonna chop your dick off!"
I gasp at myself in the bathroom mirror, knowing that he will indeed make me pay if we are late.

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