fifty nine- goodbyes

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hongjoong pov

5 days.
It goes by fucking fast.
5 days isn't a long time.
Especially not when you have so much to say and so many feelings whirling around in your head.
5 days can't prepare you for the fact that everything you know will be changing and that you will be leaving those you'd always taken for granted.
But 5 days passes, whether you like it or not.

Friday night.
I pack up all my equipment at a snail's pace, almost as if my slowness will extend the amount of time I have left with the three males that chatter and laugh around the bar.
Before our shift, Seonghwa and I spoke with Mr. Song and explained our move, not forgetting to apologize for the short notice and thank him for the experience we gained and the kindess he portrayed.
To say he is happy for us would be an understatement, as he pulled us into bone-crushing bear hugs and insisted that he was very proud of us.
Now, I gather my things into my backpack and haul the bag onto my narrow back.
My short legs guide me through the empty sea of red lights, slinking me closer and closer to the sleek, black bar.
My camouflaged eyes glue to the males in front of me.
Their varying smells and strong heartbeats register in my system, making me feel melancholy.
Mingi sits on the high chair situated next to the bar with a talkative Yunho on his thigh.
The couple hold hands, their fingers squeezing each other tightly.
Mingi's small eyes focus on the bartender, his orbs filling with an emotion that screams euphoric.
I know this because it is the same look I give to Seonghwa.
The smallest of smiles flashes across my face as I find myself feeling very happy for my friends.
My midnight-black pupils shift and focus on Jongho.
His beefy arms extend out straight, his large palms pressing against the edge of the table top.
He busies his honey voice by talking to Seonghwa, who stands there like a God.
The vampire's thick, silver hair is styled messily out of his face, showing off his charming features.
The white button up decorated by a loose black tie and little chains hugs his slender frame perfectly, making me gulp.
Jongho and Seonghwa speak casually and as if they have known each other for years.
They really hit it off.
Which is just another fact that makes our departure that much harder.
Hwa spares me a quick glance with his fake hazel eyes, then brings his gaze back to Jongho.
I stop some feet away from my friends and watch as Seonghwa strides up to me with his everyday intense stare stuck onto Jongho.
As he gets closer, his musky scent fills my nostrils and his icy aura kisses my skin.
His long, muscular arm slings around my waist, instantly pulling me into his side.
I lean my head against the side of his chest, my hat moving a bit, which leads me to adjusting it with my ring-filled fingers.
All three males look at us in a relaxed manner, very oblivious to the news we are about to drop on them.
They all put their words to a halt and focus on Seonghwa and I.
Jongho pushes off of the table top and instead presses his back against it, leaning casually.
Mingi adjusts his body on the chair, subsequently moving Yunho as well.
Just fucking say it Hongjoong.
I feel my body tense at the fact that this is really happening.
Seonghwa must be able to tell my tenseness, because he softly caresses my side to try to comfort me.
My focus darts between the guys, my heart feeling heavy each second I take in their genuine smiles and caring eyes.
I open my mouth to speak, but find it to be more difficult than I had thought.
My throat feels dry and my busy mind seems to blur together every single thought and every single word.
As soon as I speak, my voice betrays me, cracking and coming out higher-pitched than I would like.
"W-we um...I have some-something to say-"
Without missing a beat, Yunho's loud, cheerful voice cuts me off.
"Listen, I love you guys sooo much. It's been nice hanging out with all of you the last few days, trust me, like suuuper fun! But tomorrow is date night," he looks at Mingi lovingly, then continues on, "so we won't be able to hang out tomorrow. Maybe next week?"
His last statement bounces around in my head and pangs in the depths of my heart.
The pain his words inflicts isn't intentional, but it makes the weird presence in my body scream out in agony.
I peel my eyes away from Yunho's puppy face and look at Mingi.
His small, pretty eyes show me a relaxed glint that makes me feel guilty, which drives me to evade my eyes again.
This time, I look at the youngest of us, Jongho.
He holds a childlike, gummy smile and moves his light gaze back and forth between Hwa and I.
No matter where I look, I feel as if a 100 pound weight hangs at the base of my heart.
Sadness eats at my soul, causing me to remove my eyes from Jongho as well.
I look down to my black dress shoes and inspect the red light that bounces off their squeaky clean surface.
Holy shit, I can't do this. I didn't think it's be this fucking hard. I don't want to see them sad and I don't want to be sad. I can't say it...
Quickly, Seonghwa dips his head down, his plump lips grazing my pierced-filled ear.
He whispers very lowly, "I know it's hard...I'll say it."
I furrow my brows, questioning how he knew exactly what I was thinking about.
Then, the metaphoric lightbulb goes off in my head, reminding me of his power and the strength of the soulmate bond.
I nod very slightly and let my fingers wander to grab his free hand.
When his large, cold hand is in my grasp, I busy myself by playing with his rings, hoping the action will ease my mind a bit.
And no shit, it doesn't.
I hear the deepness of Seonghwa's voice enter the air calmly, his towering head looming over mine.
"We don't have another week, Yunho."
I keep my eyes stuck to my boyfriend's hands, inspecting each raised vein and flashy ring.
Yunho's enthusiastic, optimistic voice slices through the air.
" guys leaving us? Hahahaha!"
The other two makes snicker at his assumingly absurd remark, which only makes me feel more suffocated.
Seonghwa doesn't respond, but stays silent for some seconds.
I can practically feel the room change from carefree to slightly concerned.
Yunho goes on with a slightly wary tone, "Hey...don't scare us like this...."
Don't fucking look up...don't look up, Hongjoong. You can't cry.
The tall man beside me adjusts his footing, bringing his body impossibly closer to my mini one.
The coolness radiating from his body makes the demon inside purr and snuggle against the bars of its steel cage.
Seonghwa huffs sadly and begins to reveal the truth.
"We have to tell you guys something...."
If I still had a heartbeat, it would be going through the fucking roof right now.
My eyes become shaky, even though i'm still staring at Hwa's hands.
Trembling wildly, I bite down on my lower lip, suppressing the emotions that beg to spill out.
Why am I so fucking sad?
The tall vampire goes on, "Joongie and I are gonna be moving....tomorrow morning....."
Pure and utter silence.
It only lasts for a few seconds, but its feels like it drags on for an eternity.
The mood club becomes blue, which makes my eyes leave their sanctuary, instead looking at my friends.
Jongho's lips are held in a tight line, his arms crossing over his bulky chest.
Yunho's mouth hangs open in suprise, his brows raised almost to his hairline.
But seeing Mingi, who I am closest to, cracks my heart, splitting it down the middle in a painful rip.
His lips down turn and jut out.
Small eyes and thin brows morph into an expression that resembles a pout, adding about one hundred more pounds to my heavy heart.
His deep voice cracks out, "Moving to like....Hongdae?"
Mingi's brown eyes dart to mine, pleading for that to be the answer.
I detach my teeth from my bottom lip, opening my mouth to answer.
When I try to speak, nothing comes out.
I want so badly to pour out every single ounce of my emotions, but I feel so nervous.
I don't want leaving to be harder than it already is, even though I know leaving will keep Seonghwa and I out of the radar of those suspicious of us.
The silver-haired man must note my pause because he begins to speak again.
"No...actually farther than that. Alot farther."
Yunho interjects, tears welling up in his playful eyes.
"How much farther is 'alot farther' ?"
He gulps harshly, so harshly that the sound echoes around in my ears.
I watch Mingi's hands tighten on Yunho, his eyes becoming more glossy as well.
"Like...New York City, that kind of farther."
I hear a gasp and watch as Jongho wraps his arms around himself, almost as if he is giving his muscular body a hug.
The lanky redhead blinks his eyes rapidly, his hands hurriedly finding a place on his face, wiping away at tears that he hides.
Yunho, on the other hand begins letting the tears fall and makes a confused noise before he speaks.
"When did you guys decide this?"
His dejected voice makes me feel a weird guilt so deep in my core that I finally break out of my hushed state.
Like word vomit, my high-pitched tone rushes to explain everything.
"Recently! Really recently, I promise! We just decided on's just- we need to leave. Hwa and I knew all week that we were gonna be leaving tomorrow, so we wanted to be around you guys as much as possible. I would've told you guys sooner, I just- fuck I don't know...didn't want that to be in your heads all week. I wanted us to do fun shit and make memories, not be sobbing fucking messes all week. Was it selfish? Maybe...I don't know, " I look at all three of them in a rushed manner and let my lips tremble, my eyes stinging with tears before continuing, "I know i'm an asshole and I know I don't show that I care, but I do. I really fucking do. I never was good at...talking.... but I promise you that I appreciate everything you idiots do. You little shitheads have always loved me and supported me...and damn-I just wish I would've told you guys alot sooner. You're my family....and now i'm gonna shut the hell up because i'm embarrassed. I'm sorry we're leaving and i'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner. I'm just...sorry."
I hear the material of Seonghwa's white shirt crinkle as he adjusts his body the slightest bit, pressing a quick peck on my temple.
His hands rub up and down on my body, communicating how proud he is of me.
I feel my body shake against his touch, especially when I look into my friends' sorrowful eyes.
Mingi and Yunho wear tears as glistening accessories to their beguiling brown orbs.
Jongho stiffens up his facial expression, but there is sadness hidden in the sternness.
Mingi giggles lowly and wipes his tears away with the back of this hand.
"I didn't know you could be so sappy."
My own trembling lips crack into a smile as breathy little laughs leave my mouth.
We laugh in unison for a little before Yunho breaks into a loud sob.
The abruptness shocks me, making me flinch at the volume.
He cracks out a cry and  immediately, Mingi cradles his face gently.
Between cries, he says in a bitter-sweet voice, "That was so sweet, Hongjoong! Oh my god, I love you! Don't be sorry, not at all!"
Above my head, I hear Seonghwa chuckle, which makes me feel a small wave of relief crash over me.
My hidden grey eyes sting and become glossier and glossier as the minutes go by.
Though I border the line of crying, I laugh once again.
Jongho awkwardly clears his throat, which grabs everyone's attention.
When he opens his mouth to speak, I can't help but feel shocked because like me, he loathes sharing his feelings.
He doesn't make eye contact, but he keeps his gaze on the area surrounding my scrawny figure.
I can tell by his sporadic heartbeat that he feels nervous, though he keeps his composure quite well.
"Yeah, don't be sorry.  What kind of friends would we be if we didn't support you two growing and becoming even more happy? We'd be shitty friends if we thought like that. So don't apologize...we're happy for you.  And um, I uh...i'm gonna miss you guys."
Ah fuck.
And that's what does it.
After he finishes, the tears well up in my eyes more, covering my pupils in a layer of clear liquid.
It blurs my vision, which causes me to blink, my tears cascading down my face quickly.
Though I cry, my lips are held in a smile.
Seonghwa whispers to me lowly, "Joong, go to them. Give them some love~"
I nod, which makes my earrings clash against the side of my face.
With his large palm, he urges me forward by my back, encouraging me to go to my friends.
Shyly, displaying a grin soaked with tears, I shuffle forward slowly.
I move to Jongho first, watching as he keeps his eyes on anything but my own.
When I stop in front of him, he finally looks up, his eyes trailing up the center of my body.
Our eyes communicate, but our mouths don't.
But it's okay, because we get each other.
We don't  need words.
I take the initiative to throw my short arms around his bulky frame, to which he returns pretty quickly.
His powerful arms constrict me and I can't help but think that I would break if I was in my human body.
We pat each other's backs and hang on for a bit longer, my tears falling onto the material of his shirt.
The tears soak through the fabric, making a slightly darker circle on the spot.
He inhales deeply and exhales a while after, disconnecting us slowly.
I pull back with a small smile and he returns it, patting my shoulder roughly.
My body moves from the force, so I hold up a fist as if I am going to punch him, faking an angry face.
He scoffs and flexes his biceps at me, showing me that he could in fact knock my ass out.
I erupt in giggles, already feeling a bit better.
I turn my thin neck, moving my sight towards the crying couple that holds each other tightly.
My shiny black shoes take little steps over to them, thudding against the floor of the club.
As I near them, they both stand up and Mingi guides them away from the high chair a bit.
I come to a halt in front of them and have to crane my neck upwards to see their faces, as they are trees compared to me.
I need to bring a fucking ladder next time.
Their wet cheeks match mine, which makes me shake my head, disapproving of our mawkish behavior.
Yunho's puppy-like features contort into one that screams 'cute' as he holds his lips in a pout and rounds his eyes.
He hurriedly pulls me into a hug, letting his head hang down in order to bring us closer.
His chin rests against a jutting bone on my shoudler.
He holds me like a baby and rocks us side to side.
"Text me everyday! Send pictures, videos, facetime, anything! I wanna know what it's like over there! Ooooh, you two are gonna have so much fun! Maybe one day soon we can visit? Ohmygod i'm gonna miss you guys sooo much!"
The front of my face rests against his chest, my nose breathing in his citrus scent.
It brings me comfort and makes my stress start to wash away.
"Shit, okay okay! I will! And yeah, visit soon so I have someone to get drunk with."
Loud laughs climb up Yunho's throat and reach the air, echoing off of the club's walls.
He shakes around me and we both pull away from our embrace.
His long fingers wipe away his tears as he lets his giggle fit run it's course.
In the mean time, I turn my head to Mingi who looks the most broken.
Well of course, he's your bestfriend dumbass.
My body follows the direction of my head, turning to face Mingi completely.
Though Mingi is a giant, I have always had this theory that he is just a huge baby.
His index fingers link as his arms hang down lazily.
His shoulders concave a bit, almost as if he is shrinking.
Innocence wipes across his face, making his sad state even more evident.
His tears cut through my heart like a stake, painfully and slowly.
Mingi moves his head away from me, trying not to look in my eyes.
Little clear droplets fall down his face, rolling onver his cheekbones and down to his chin.
I move my head to his, following his motions as he whips around.
He finally scoffs and gives up, looking me in the face.
White teeth are shown to me, though he still looks downcast.
I bring my thumb up to the soft area under his eye, rubbing the tears away softly.
In a teasing voice, I say, "Who the fuck is this? Crying over a midget like me...pft, how pathetic."
He chortles and micmicks my same motions and high toned voice.
"And who the fuck are you? Crying over three people...even more pathetic."
I nod my head and clap a little, impressed with his curt comeback.
When I drop my hands, I focus on his brown eyes.
The depths of my soul still hurt, yet it feels almost bearable considering their understanding reactions.
This fact helps me communicate my thoughts as raw as I can allow myself.
My little hands scurry to his big ones, unlinking the index fingers and holding onto him tightly.
With his hands in mine, I shake them around to make him focus on me further.
"Thanks for being there through all my shit. I can never thank you enough for everything you've done. Thank you for being stupid Song Mingi.  You're the best fri- nope, fuck that. You're the best brother anyone could ask for. "
As I finish my cringey little speech, Mingi cries even more and wraps me into a bear-hug, one that resembles his Dad's from earlier.
The warmth from his body makes me feel calm.
His hug makes me pine for one last brotherly hug, so I squeeze him back tightly.
I feel his heartbeat thumping against me, reminding me that he is always here.
I nuzzle my head into him more, not caring that my hat's placement becomes messy.
My tears soak into his shirt as well, making my cold skin feel weird from the wetness.
I hear an 'aw' but choose to not comment on it, instead, I just hold onto my closest friend like my life depends on it.
Piercing my ears, Yunho's cheery voices practically screams aloud, "Let's do something sooo stupid right hug! Come here Seonghwa, come Jongho! Group hug,  group hug,  group hug!"
I hear Jongho groan but walk closer nonetheless.
Seonghwa on the other hand replies with a 'good idea' and skips over like a schoolgirl.
Behind me, I feel a cold presence, to which I know is the handsome vampire.
He wraps his lean arms around me tightly and snuggles his face into my spine.
It makes my heart lurch, but I don't have time to act on it or say anything because I feel two more presences get closer.
The young singer hugs one side of me and one side of Mingi,  patting our backs with quiet thuds.
Yunho's long arms go on the other side and practically wrap around all of us as he is so freakishly tall.
This is the stupidest fucking thing i've done. But damn, why does it feel so nice?
Everybody squeezes each other, making my icy body absorb their warmth.
Heartbeats, bloodstreams, and breaths fill my ears as I bask in the peacefulness of this wholesome moment.
Their blended smells soothe me, telling me everything will be okay.
Yunho speaks up, unsurprisingly, after a few moments of silence.
"I really love you guys, I really do.  I'm gonna miss you two so so much!"
I tighten my skinny arms around Mingi even more and coo as I feel Hwa grips tighter onto me.
Seonghwa's deep, smooth voice speaks out, "Thanks for being so nice to me the months I was here, it means alot. I love you guys and I'll miss you."
I hear hums of approval and little laughs.
Then, I decide it's my turn to speak up.
"Love you assholes more than you know.  You'll always be my family."
Yunho squeals, Mingi coos, and Jongho chuckles in response.
All different reactions, but all make one thing evident to me.
They love me as much as I love them.

The five of us stood in our odd group hug for a long time, all giggles and sniffles.
When we finally separated, Hwa and I were reminded of our tasks to keep in touch everyday, to which we promised we wouldn't forget.
Seonghwa and I's powerful legs led us out of the club, our friends' scents and heartbeats straying further from our heightened senses.
As we walked back to my apartment for the final night, I thought of the events that night.
Though it sounds cliche as shit, it made me realize something......home is where the heart is, and mine is right here with these three guys.
No matter where I go or how many years pass, my love for them will stay alive with me.
They will always be my family.


wassgood my guys
bro....the next chapter is the last one 😳 crazy right?
the next chap might take more than a couple days for me to write bc i dont want it to suck ya feel? lmao
BUT UMMM hope u liked this chap, let me know ur thoughts!
also....almost 10k reads and 1k votes??? wtf?? like huh?? cant believe it, yall are too nice.
luh u all 🖤

his venom || seongjoongHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin