A Young Egg Turned Twin

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We entered the lair again and everyone went their separate ways. Naomi, I noticed, was a little anxious to go to the lair. Proabably because of the egg I saw when Mikey was showing me in the lab before the white scaley monster shooed us away. Mikey said he was a dragon, and the egg was Naomi's and Raph's, the red masked Turtle. The dragon said he name was Shol.

But I watched as Raph watched Naomi head toward the lab before his body posture said he was reluctant to go. Donnie was already in the lab, noise coming from tools and shuffling. I was wondering if I should follow, but then I thought, no... Naomi proabably would think I would mess things up like I always do. Not on purpose!

So I left Mikey who was starting to sit on the couch and peeked in the lab. Naomi and Donnie were talking in hushed voices on the far side of the lair. I couldn't hear them, but Raph was by the egg and the white dragon, guarding the machine it was on.

I cautiously walked in and looked around, letting them purposely see me. I wasn't sure what to do. I felt four pairs of eyes on me and I gulped quietly as I came up to the egg and machine.

Unsure what to entirely do, I got bored and poked at the egg. It rocked to the side a little. I moved my hand and it feel back into it's original place.

Until it started shaking and wobbling violently. I squeaked in shock and jumped back as I heard someone's shout my name and Raph and Naomi ran up to the egg.

I watched in interested shock, listening as I heard cracks and the egg shell shattering as a child was trying to Peck it's way out.

Before long, Naomi grunted with effort and Donnie asked with a puzzled expression, "Two kids?"

"Two?" I repeated, wanting to see so I squeezed between them all and looked at the rather small and plump bodies of a little lizard and a little turtle. "Aww!"

"Don't point at them," Naomi said under her breath as she handed the turtle one to Raph. I was confused but said nothing.

"Two in one egg doesn't make sense..." Donnie continued.

"Remember the wasp egg, Donnie?" Raph finally spoke up. "That single egg had three mutantwasp kids. Maybe wejust havesomething similar."

Donnie shut his trap and looked at him curiously before looking down. "Maybe it's our genetic mutant DNA that allows two in one..." He started walking off, muttering to himself, "Or maybe it's Naomi..."

Naomi shook her head and looked at the younger version of herself, basically. It had the same colors as Naomi with the green skin and yellow under belly. But the tail seemed a bit short...

"The tail will grow," Naomi seemed like she answered my question, but she wasn't looking at me when I looked up at her.

But when the Lizard opened its eyes, they were a bright green, like Raph's. Raph noticed this and his cheeks flatted red for a second. I thought it was stunning. The Dark skin with a yellow belly and bright eyes.

The child Raph was holding looked like a mini version of him. A little lighter in skin that Naomi, but still dark. It's shell and plastron were the same except the baby's didn't have the jagged bolt on the top left like Raph's did. And when it opened their eyes, they were a blue-green. I mix of both their eyes.

"Names?" I had to ask. "What's their names gonna be?"

Naomi and Raph looked at one another. Raph was the one who continued, "Well.... We need to confirm gender...."

"The Lizard is a girl," Naomi smiled. "And the turtle a male."

Raph looked at his child and smiled softly. I couldn't help but smile as well. When Naomi said as we grew up that if she'd ever have kids, she'd want a girl and a boy. I've always wanted a girl. And I'd call her Tabitha. The name always stick with me, but it was honestly worth it, because it was a beautiful name.

"So what're the names?" I asked, curious and basically jumping out of my shell.

Raph looked at the girl and smiled, "How about.... Melanie?"

"If you name one, I name the other," Naomi smiled. Raph only nodded. "But I like Melanie for her. As tfor the boy... How about Adrian?"

Raph thought about it for a second while I wanted to hold one but they weren't giving them up. Not yet anyway. But Raph smiled and nodded, "I like it."

"So Melanie and Adrian?" I smiled. They nodded and Naomi looked at me before offering Melanie. I blinked in shock, "You're sure?"

"I wouldn't offer to hold her if I wasn't sure," Naomi answered as she set the small baby in my arms. I held her close and smiled, looking down at Melanie. The bright greens eyes that belonged to Raph watched me with a careful expression. I smiled and made a funny face. Melanie aparently had Raph's humor as well, because she only blinked.

That's when Donnie, Julie rushing behind him, came back in with some diapers. Julie came up to me and looked at Melanie over my shoulder and "aw"ed with the highest pitch voice I've ever heard. Naomi and Raph chuckled as I offered Melanie to her. Julie took her gently and smiled.

"Raph's eyes," she commented.

"Yup," Naomi smirked, looking at the red masked Turtle. Raph looked down at Adrian.

"Twins?" Julie asked dumbfounded.

"Didn't Donnie tell you?" I asked.

Julie shook her head as she glared over at Donnie, her tail flicking. "He only told me the egg hatched...." Donnie smiled innocently as he cut a hole in one of the diapers for Melanie's tail.

I looked over at the door as it opened and Mikey came in, looking directly at me, "There you are! I was talking to you but I realized you were gone..."

"Sorry," I apologized sheepishly. "It's just that Naomi's egg hatched."

"It did?" Mikey asked, shocked, and came over, looking at Adrian. "Wow."

Raph smiled and I could see a flicker of obnoxiousness in his eyes like if he wasn't holding Adrian, he'd tackle Mikey or pick on him. But he decided to keep quiet. Adrian yawned in his arms and Mikey smiled.

"Can I hold him, Raph?" Mikey asked. "And what're the names?"

Raph looked at Mikey cautiously before reluctantly handing over the slowly dozing baby Turtle. "His name is Adrian. The one Julie's holding is Melanie."

"Really?" both Mikey and Julie asked.

Donnie came up to the crowd and butted it, "Both names mean a type of darkness..."

Naomi blinked and smiled. "Well, they're Raph and I's kids. Wouldn't doubt it."

Mikey rolled his eyes and I giggled. MIkey smiled as Adrian fell asleep in his arms. When he finally did, he handed him back to Raph and Raph helped Donnie with fitting the diaper on. It looked weird. One of these Turtle with anything on, but babies go at random, so he'd grow out of it...

Julie handed Melanie back to Naomi and Naomi smiled, both girls flicking their tails. As Naomi set Melanie down on a table to put her diaper on, Mikey touched my shoulder and motioned me to follow him out. Curious what he was going to show me, I followed him out of the lab.

Michaelangelo, You Made Me Smile (Book 3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang