The Irish raised her brows, "I can't do it." she stated sharply, "Unless you want some bad mark coloring your perfect report card, take it back."

     "Then learn." Regulus inner Slytherin had grown ten folds since their last encounter, cunning little fecker. Gemma gripped the book tighter almost scrunched the parchment to crumble. "Remember, nothing but exceed expectations."

     With that, Regulus clung his bag to his shoulder, he gave a satisfied glance to the blond half-blood before he turned and walked to the great hall. And that left Evan Rosier, the boy-next-door. He clicked his tongue as he frowned.

    "I told you girly," Evan raised his hand to touch the Irish's silky hair. The blond quickly slapped his hand off the girl, while Evan smirked, "He bites."

     Evan winked at her before he marched himself to follow his other-half to the great hall. Gammaliel never felt so stupid for a Ravenclaw. How could she agree to this? She looked down at the notes with a visible disgust as she groaned. 

    "Okay." Martin broke her mourning, crossing his arms over his chest, "Is there something you forgot to tell me, for example, what in your ancestor's name was that, Gem?"

    Gemma sighed, "Remember when I told you that someone found my book and returned it to me?"

    "No." Martin groaned, "It was Black wasn't it?"

    "Yes." said Gammaliel gloomily.

    Sighing to herself she lost her mood for treacle tart looking at the amount of work waiting ahead of her this weekend. Martin's lips turned upwards, "You should tell, Sirius."

    "And start world war three." Gemma chuckled at the idea, but she had agreed to this arrangement. It was partly her fault to not specify the rules, for future reference she made sure she had to be even wittier with him, "It can't be any worse right?"

     Martin shrugged, "I hope so." he said with a soft sigh, "On a side note, I'm not helping you with this mess unless it involves punching Black."

    Gemma chuckled, "C'mon, I'm hungry."

     The two Ravenclaws went to the great hall though, wasn't as excited as earlier. Her azure eyes pierced through the table across hers. The brunette spare her redemption glare to a boy. He lifted his goblet keeping his eyes on her, with a mocking smile.

It won't be that bad. The witch suggested herself, merely burying her thought to jab the fork she was holding to his hand over the cocky attitude he got. Gemma could pin-point the resemblance between Sirius and Regulus, it would be both of them were pompous toe-rag at times.

Just, do it. Gem. It will be over soon.

    But oh, boy. She was wrong.

Days after, the younger Black put her patience to a great test. The grin on his face grew wider every time he dumped his notes on her table. The Irish witch was caging Amon's will inside her mind. Every time she asked for his part of payment he retorted to finish the damn work first.

"But, you have to teach me at some point, Black." she seethed with gritted teeth, after handing him his foot-long yellowish parchment about doxies, for his Defense Against the Dark Arts homework.

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