The Ranger and the Wolf

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Ever since the Spectral Hand's ultimate destruction just last month, the realm of Gemina has been at peace. The Mysticons, the legendary defenders of the realm, didn't stop their training though. There have been a few outbursts for a while, but they didn't cause any serious damage.

One night, when the rest of Drake City (except the Underctiy) was asleep, the Mysticon Ranger and youngest princess of Gemina, Zarya Moonwolf Goodfey, snuck out of the Royal Palace and flew to Centaur Park on her griffin, Archer. Zarya tends to sneak out and go there every full moon, like she was transforming into a werewolf. Thankfully, she's not, she just likes it that time of night. Tonight was going to be something else for her, because tonight she was meeting a new friend. Archer gracefully and quietly landed on the soft grass covering the surrounding parts of the park. Zarya hopped off her steed and slowly backed away, hoping that her ride won't fly away. She then ran into the forest scenery and relished in the alone time she so deserved.

Some time later, Zarya was walking through the park, taking in that early night air. She was taking precautions as to not injure or kill herself as she did. There was suddenly a deep and loud howl that pierced the air. Zarya stopped and listened to the nocturnal sound, and it was unlike anything she ever heard. She followed the sound, and as it got louder she found where the sound originated. It was a large gray wolf with silver hoops on its ears. It was howling alright, but not your typical howl. It was one of the sweetest melodies anyone has ever heard. Zarya marveled at the sight of the majestic creature uttering a noise she uttered out when utilising her blue Wolf Bracer.

The wolf was finished with it's melody and turned the other way. Zarya swiftly hid herself amongst the fauna and spied on the creature. She got quite the shock when she saw what happened next; the wolf transformed into a human. A young blonde male donning a green hero's tunic, greyish beige leggings, a whitish shirt underneath the tunic and brown leather boots and hand gear, with the additional silver hoop on each ear(agree to disagree, guys). He was carrying a shield, sword and bow and arrows. "Who is this guy," Zarya thought. He was heading her direction when he knelt down for some reason. He was groaning in pain and held his foot. Zarya couldn't hide for any longer, she had to help him. She got out of the bushes and walked over to him. "Don't worry, everything will be fine," she said softly. He just stared at her in confusion as she removed his left shoe. There was a small thorn on his foot! Zarya took out a pair of tweezers from her sling bag and carefully peeled the thorn out. She then took some rubbing alcohol and cotton wool and dabbed the alcohol on the wound. Finally, she took out a small plaster and placed it on the wound.

The mini surgery was complete! The male smiled at Zarya and put his shoe back on. Zarya helped him back on his feet and reciprocated his friendly smile with hers. "And to whom do I owe this great honour," he asked. "Princess Zarya Moonwolf Goodfey," Zarya replied. "You may call me Link," the man said, "I am honored to meet you, your highness." " As am I," Zarya replied, followed by a little giggle. She's never felt like this before, all talking like an actual princess, butterflies in her stomach. She's only met the guy and it feels like she's been with him her whole life. "Tell me a little bit about yourself, Zarya," said Link. "Well," Zarya replied, "I'm a princess, a magical warrior, and a daughter of many families. What about you, Link?" "Well," Link replied, "I wield the Master Sword, I've defeated a dark lord, and I can transform into a wolf." Did Zarya really mean to reveal her secret identify to a total stranger? Maybe. Maybe not. "And how did you attain your magical abilities," Link asked. "Let's just say, I was accidentally chosen to be a legendary defender," Zarya calmly replied, "and how did you end up turning into a wolf?" "In all honesty, I don't remember," Link sighed, "it's been a long time and I've gotten used to it."

Now it was Link's turn to get worried. What if Zarya thinks he's lying? What if what he said caused her to leave him for good. Zarya just smiled and said, "It's okay if you don't remember. There are a lot of huge things that people could forget." That was followed by a warm and friendly smile, and Link couldn't help but smile back. They could have sworn they saw a glimmer in each other's eyes. "Thanks, Zarya," Link replied, "coming from you, that means a lot." The two started walking around the forest, admiring it's beautiful scenery.

"Tonight is beautiful, huh Link," Zarya sighed. "But it'll never be as beautiful as you, Zarya," Link sighed back, taking his proclaimed other by the hand. Both of their cheeks were flushing red as their eyes met. Were they flirting with one another? I guess so. Link spotted a blue flower growing beside him at one point, and he decided to pick it and give it to Zarya. He tapped the princess's shoulder and revealed the flower from behind his back. "For you," he said. "A blue Moon Lotus," Zarya gasped, "I love it." Both of them then embraced in a warm hug. That was cut off suddenly by an alerted gasp. Zarya seemed to look worried. "What's wrong, Zarya," Link asked. "There's an award ceremony I have to host tomorrow," Zarya sadly replied. "And you have to get as much rest as you possibly can," Link sighed, "tell you what: I'll come by to the Royal Palace and meet you there." "Sounds like a plan," Zarya said enthusiastically, "but just promise me that you'll keep a low profile. They mustn't know about you, or otherwise my sister and friends will think I'm dating." "I promise, Princess," Link replied. The two then embraced in a goodbye hug before Zarya ran into the night. Did the tomboy princess just make a new friend, or did she find her starmate?

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