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1. I've never played Twilight Princess before, but I did watch a few cutscenes and sorta discovered the plot of the entire game.

2. This is probably relatable to some of you who are reading this, so don't yell at me if I've kinda exposed you! (Just kidding 🤭)

3. There are a few elements that I'll add/remove from certain characters. Just tell me if it's alright.

4. Believe it or not, but the Zelda characters are actually gonna talk! I decided since I'm generous, I'll give some dialogue to the cast

5. Besides school and home workouts, I have a few other stories I'm writing, such as Revenge and How Not to Deal With It, the sequel to Individuality and How To Deal With It, and Illegal Chao, the sequel to The Good, the Bad and the Seedrian.

Without further ado, stay safe, and let's begin.

Twilight Princess: The Crossover SequelWhere stories live. Discover now