Amber and Bianca screamed. Dylo began spewing a repetitive stream of curse words. Leo was speechless as he tried to look away, but his eyes were magnetized to the gruesome sight. Adam was frozen with fear as he tried not to vomit.

Troy was shocked, but masked it with indifference.

Kai clenched his jaw.

"You-you-" Leo stammered out, only to be cut off.

"Slaughtered him? Oh, I know. But his life was a small price to pay for a better world." Ajax chuckled. Every single one of the teens were thoroughly disgusted by him. "Humans. They're imperfect, heavily flawed. Insignificant insects. But people like us can change the world for the better. An improved world with improved humans. We can create a perfect future."

Right then, Leo knew that he was referring to the Genodium. He must've been exposed to it beforehand, giving him those incredible abilities.

"Why did you do that?!" Kai banged his fists on the ground in rage as he looked into Lance's cold, lifeless eyes. Yet another person was dead in front of him, eyes still open. He was dead because of Ajax, and the murdering bastard was going to pay. Somehow.

Damn it.

Kai staggered to his feet, giving Ajax a vengeful glare while ignoring his friends' warnings. Without a second thought, he sprinted towards him, intending to teach him a lesson. In hindsight, it wasn't much of a plan. He knew he couldn't properly attack the fellow, but his adrenaline began to take over, and all logic and reason flew out the window.

He swung both of his fists in the man's direction, attempting to pound him with some kind of hammer fist. At that instant, all of his motion ceased. He was stuck in some kind of invisible hold, completely immobilized as he slowly felt his body break contact with the ground.

His friends looked up at him in horror, and then at Ajax. Purple particles vibrated around him at a high speed as the seams of his suit proceeded to glow. A purple aura surrounded him as he slowly closed his fist.

"Because he was a waste of flesh, as are all of you. You're pitiful. Your abilities haven't even been unlocked yet."


He struggled to move as he looked down at Ajax, who held his fist in a cupped position. With a lazy wave of his hand, he sent the young teen flying against a nearby tree. The force of his back colliding with the rough bark almost made the boy want to cry as all of the wind was knocked out of his lungs.

He felt a brief rush of pain, and then it was gone. That didn't seem right. He should've been feeling something similar to sharp needles, rapidly expanding throughout his body. He didn't feel anything at the moment, almost like his entire body had gone numb.

Leo wondered why he kept them alive, instead of slaughtering them along with Lance. He needed them for something.

"Fuck!" Dylo exclaimed, running over to his fallen friend as he scowled at Ajax, who's face was now overtaken by a disgusting grin.

"Though you'd be bigger threat to me. Guess I was wrong." Ajax taunted, scowling at Leo and the others as they sat speechless. "Anyone else wanna take a shot?"

Superpowers. The man had fucking superpowers.

Being a comic book geek, Leo had read about telekinetic abilities in comic books many times, but he'd certainly never expected them to actually exist. This was going against everything he knew. He tried to shake himself, attempting to wake up from this crazy dream-this living nightmare-but all of his attempts were met with failure.

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