Chapter 1

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      I was falling and falling until suddenly I hit the ground. When I hit the ground it was Hard. I stayed there for a second seeing if I could move any of my limbs. I could move my fingers, toes and I could move head. I waited a bit longer until I finally got up. I had just escaped my cell in Asgard. Odin personally had raped me then he had the guards do it to me. Once they finished they would slice me with a dagger. Oh how gruesome it was. It was painful and I couldn't help but to call out Thor's name. I knew he wouldn't hear me no one could, so I just yelled the first person's name that popped in my head. When I started moving I could feel some of the cuts reopen. I slowly made my way looking to see if anyone or anything was there. Thankfully there wasn't so I made my way to what seemed like a city.

    When I finally arrived in the populated area people were looking at me like I was crazy. I mean I am wearing a torn shirt with very little cloth still. My pants were only up to my knees on one side and the other side was just plain messed up. My hair no longer looked slicked back instead it looked like I had went to sleep and didn't brush it for 3 days. I was dirty and cut all over.

     People were whispering but I didn't care I just needed to be taken care of. That's when somebody came down a palace looking place with some guards and a bed for what looked like an injured person. I just stood there staring. For once in my life I had no idea what to do. They got closer and closer until a tall and really good looking man stood in front of me.

      "Hello I am Grandmaster and you appear to be injured. Name is?" I at him "Loki" He nodded "Is it just Loki" I smiled "That shouldn't be of your concern but for now just Loki." "Fiesty.. that's hot" my eyes widened and I blushed, no one has ever made me blush before. He chuckled "come on get on I'm taking you to get taken care of then dressed appropriately." He said that while looking me up and down.

       I got on and made room for him and he sat next to me. I looked down at my hands the entire time I could feel him staring. "What made you come to Sakaar?" I looked up at him "I actually just fell through the bifrost and landed here. I was escaping my..." I drifted off not knowing what I should say. "What happened to you there? You were obviously tortured." I sighed I really didn't want to get into this especially with a hot guy looking at me who appears to be the owner of this place. "Can we talk about this later maybe? I don't want to talk about it in this moment." I said a bit shy he grabbed my hands "Loki, I will never push you to do anything you don't want to.When we get inside I will personally handle you myself."

      He kissed my knuckles and I couldn't help but to blush even more. I nodded and he kept ahold of my hands until we got there. He got down and we headed to a bathroom. He turned the water on and had someone, a maid probably, to get some clothing for me. I looked at him "can you s-stay with me? I don't want to be alone" I turned so he couldn't see me. "Of course. I'll turn around so you can step inside and when you say I'll turn around and help. Sound okay?" I nodded and he turned around. There wasn't much cloth on me so it didn't take long. I got in and sat letting the water soak me. "okay, I'm in" I watched as he slowly turned around and walked towards me. I shifted and put my head under and got my hair wet. When I came back up he was ready to clean my hair. "Ready babyboy?" I smiled I know he wasn't calling me his but I wanted it to be but we just met. "Yes Gorgeous" He smiled and I adjusted so he could put in my hair.
                  ~Time skip~

After my bath and his assistance with it he grabbed a towel for me and I dried off. I put my clothing on and they felt nice. They weren't tight but they fit really well. He gave me the colors green and gold. I'm in silk pajamas and dark green slippers. "Let me get your hair" I bit my lip and turned around so he could fix it. He grabbed a brush and brushed through my hair holding me at the waist so I would stop moving. I couldn't help but think what his hands could do to me.

        When he finished he turned me around and I felt his hands still in my hips and tried to ignore it. "So I'll show you to your room. Umm we could share if you wanted just throwing that out if you still don't want it be alone." I smiled "I think I'll take you up on sharing I still don't want to be alone." I said noting his blush. He grabbed my hand and lead me off to the dinner room. We ate and soon after he showed me to our room.

       "Okay pick a side you want to sleep on." "Well what side you you sleep on?" He walked over to the right side "got it we'll I know what side I'm sleeping on. I'll be sleeping right next to you feeling your warmth radiating. Is that ok?" He looked up at me "y-yeah uhh as long as you don't push me off." He said with a small chuckle. Oiled and we climbed in bed. I snuggled up against him and I felt content for the first time in a while. "Goodnight Loki." "Hmm night." And with that I fell asleep against Grandmaster.

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