Meeting the Parents

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This idea came from @Marvelite_rainbow I really liked it so I made it, I hope you like it. 

Highschool  Junior year AU (Not in Asgard or Sakaar just somewhere I guess, Soft Loki and Grandmaster)

Loki Pov

Walking down the stairs I was met with my Mother, Odin, and Thor all sitting at the table which is unusual for my parents to be up at this time. It's normally just Thor and I getting ready for school before he drives us and we part ways as soon as he parks. 

But as soon as I walked into the kitchen their conversation stopped, going deadly silent, they are all sitting there staring like I did something. Have I? I don't remember pulling any tricks, last time I did I got grounded which was three weeks ago I was grounded from going out of the house for two weeks which was horrible because En and I hang out after school. As I  was trying to figure out what I had done Mother's voice broke my thoughts.

"Loki dear, Thor has informed us that you're always out of the house hanging out with your boyfriend." I looked at her wondering where this is going and she must have read my thoughts for her next words were, "Well you're always  talking about him but we've not met him yet." Oh so this is where this was going, "Yes that was intentional, I know how you will all act." More or less how Odin will act, but I added the last part in my head.

Odin had scoffed, "We are having dinner tonight, you shall invite your boyfriend so we can meet him." My eyes widened, "oh no no no no no I will not be coming to dinner tonight with him, you will not be meeting my boyfriend any time soon." Odin had stood up and I'm just surprised Thor has stayed quite for this long. 

"You will come to dinner with us tonight, with your boyfriend or you will  be grounded for a month, not leaving this house at all, not even for school. I can have Thor pick up all of your assignments and take them back." I sighed there is no way I will win this one, so I grit my teeth "Fine. Where and when?" I clenched my fist waiting for an answer, "We shall go to the new restaurant, 9 Realms, and at 7 tonight, wear nice clothing." great just great, this night is going to go terribly wrong but I hope for the best.

On the ride to school I look over at Thor feeling pissed, "You just had to open your mouth didn't you? Because of you my boyfriend has to suffer through a dinner meeting you and our parents more or less Odin. Thank you so much Thor!" Sarcasm laced my voice towards the end, stupid oaf. 

"Loki, brother, I need to know is he treating you right?"  I scoff at his ridiculous question "I am not your brother and obviously oaf" I roll my eyes and slump into the seat "Well is he giving you some?" I cocked my head to the side slightly confused, "Some?" 

He chuckled turned the car into the parking lot of the school, "Dick" The color drained from my face, "Are you delusional Thor?! We've not done that you OAF!!" He parked the car and my door was open bag on my back before he could say anything else and I quickly headed towards the big oak tree in front of the school. 

"My gods baby boy why do you look like a ghost?" I shook my head, "Thor thinks we've fucked, in his words he said 'Well is he giving you some? But I quickly shut him down." I heard En Dwi chuckle, bringing the same warmth to my chest ever since the eighth grade. Sitting down, back resting on the trunk of the tree, I lay my head on his chest and let his fingers run through my hair. We do this every morning, we get to school 30 minutes early just to talk before all our classes.

 Sighing I brought up the dinner tonight, "So my family wants to meet you." I heard him chuckle again, "I thought you didn't want that?" I sighed again and push myself closer to him, "I don't but it's either that or be grounded for a month no leaving the house not even for school so I budged" I push my face into his neck and inhale his intoxicating scent. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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