the blue rocks and the hurt incantation

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Rapunzel pov-

    I headed to my dorm to sleep for the night. I closed the door, locked it, then let my hair down. Yea it was all over the room now. All of a sudden I got light headed and I collapsed what I saw in my vision was the rock where the flower once was and some rocks near it. Then I saw a cave and a scroll with it on a tree. This has to be connected to me somehow. I jolted awake and in a sweat. So I brushed and put my hair back up and just in time because shoto walked in. "Hey shoto! " I run and hugged him smiling. He hugged me back "will you be ok tonight? " He asked me, I nodded and smiled. He kissed me "well goodnight rapunzel, I love you" "I love you too shoto" I told him back and he went to his dorm. I went straight to Eugene. I told him about what I saw and so we waited till all the others were asleep and then snuck out. We had to sneak out the best we could so we avoided the security cameras. Once we made it out we ran down the streets until we officially made it out of the city. We had accidentally set off the alarm at UA so they are most likely searching for us. But we ran deep into the forest to where the flower once was. "What is this?" I asked and Eugene shrugged. He threw a throwing knife at it and the knife just broke into many pieces. "Well it is indestructible" He said and I walked up to one and touched it.

Rapunzel pov-

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Rapunzel pov-

    Once I touched it the rocks glowed and created a huge shockwave. It was enough for all of Japan to see, but then my hair started glowing. The rocks chased after us and so we ran, once we jumped a hill all of my hair flowed in the night sky and glowed. Once I reached the ground it stopped and I turned to Eugene. We picked up my hair and saw a cave which we made a run for. Once we got close the rocks suddenly stopped. We walked in the cave and had found a paper. "Wither and decay, end this destiny, break these earthly chains, and set the spirit free." I turned to Eugene and shrugged. So I read it again, but this time it was different. "Wither and decay, end this destiny, break these earthly chains, and set the spirit free" The plant life started to decay. And so I sang.

Wither and decay
End this destiny
Break these earthly chains
And set the spirit free
The spirit free

Wither and decayEnd this destinyBreak these earthly chainsAnd set the spirit freeThe spirit free

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(Basically what happened)

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(Basically what happened)

Rapunzel pov-

    I snapped out of it and passed out. As I regained consciousness and Eugene ran to me. We out my hair back and he folded the paper putting it in his pocket. When we walked out it was daybreak. The sun was just rising "how long were we in there for?" He shrugged "we both passed out how am I supposed to know" He said. "But you have another incantation" He said and I nodded. "Yeah but what about those rocks, if I go near them they and my hair glows. I can't even touch them, they literally chased us" He nodded. "You have a point" He said and we started walking through the forest to head back. We were exhausted and could hardly even walk. "RAPUNZEL!" It was shoto, I guess all of Japan really did see the shockwave. "Shoto" I said and he came up to me as I collapse in his arms. Eugene collapsed into midoria's arms.

Shoto pov-

    Once the alarm went off Rapunzel and Eugene were gone. I was so am scared and seeing Rapunzel gave me a relief. But she collapsed in my arms, just what happened? I picked her up bridal style and brought her back. I set her on my bed in my room to keep a eye on her.

Rapunzel pov-

    I slowly woke up and shoto was next to me. Damn I really couldn't go any more. "Oh Rapunzel thank god!" He said and hugged me. "You scared me where did you go?!" He said. Shit shit shit! "Eugene and I were bored and wanted a adventure so we decided to go in the forest" He looked at me in the eyes. "You could have told me! I would have came with you guys! And that shockwave! You were in the woods with it! Rapunzel you literally looked like you were running from something!" Well he got that part right. "I an fine now shoto" I said and he hugged me. "I was so scared" I rubbed his head. "UA has decided to keep a eye on you two." Well...fuck. He kissed me and I kissed back and he helped me up. "What happened out there?" I turn to shoot "I can't remember" He knew I was lying but he did not push it further. We walked out and Eugene walked out Midoria's room. Wait! If they are dating I am going to fangirl! But when Eugene and I made contact we knew that we could not speak on what went down. As we walked to the main room aizawa sat there with all might and president mic. "Because of what happened we want to keep you two on campus until further notice. Meaning you two cannot leave the school" Aizawa had said. This reminds me of my tower so much, I kinda miss it. Mother must be very mad at me, I went against her main rule and disobeyed her. I hope she can forgive me... Mother I like it here and I will stay. So please, understand my feelings.

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