The Sun Prairie Ghost of Wisconsin

Start from the beginning

(Look to the left in the picture)

As she looked closely at the picture as it developed she saw the same mysterious hooded figure that Judson Blacksteel had reported seeing.
She handed the photo over to the police and the police had said to her that they'll try and find this mystery man that everyone has been talking about.
Because mainly at this time no one except for Judson Blacksteel knew that this........being was not human this hooded being wasn't from this world no one could explain it and mostly nobody had believed it at the time (I mean come on would you?)

August 1981:
A couple named Samantha and Joseph Krakowski we're on a hiking trip in the woods near the train tracks to celebrate their honeymoon after their marriage because you know if you're gonna celebrate something that is really important to you, you got to branch out and try different things but then as weeks went on by and they were declared as missing no one had found their bodies as soon as search parties were gathered up to look for the couple but nobody had found anything of them.

 This photo was the only trace of there existence once the police had found the couple's camera

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This photo was the only trace of there existence once the police had found the couple's camera.
The couple's body was found a week with their eyes and tongues ripped out of their heads the police couldn't known who had done but the weird thing was that their bodies were beside the train tracks and placed beside the bodies was a 1830's old copper coin the police had collected it as evidence and the officers called up the morgue to take the bodies away to be dissected for an autopsy.

August 1983: Police had gotten the phone call of a frightened neighbor saying that a crazed man had drove up to another neighbors house and had yelled something at the top of their lungs follow by cracking boom of the sound of a shot gun as the cr...

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August 1983:
Police had gotten the phone call of a frightened neighbor saying that a crazed man had drove up to another neighbors house and had yelled something at the top of their lungs follow by cracking boom of the sound of a shot gun as the crazed man had exit from one house and entering into another repeating the process over and over and over before eventually the crazed man had exited from the last house and eventually was seen with a large bottle of drain cleaner as he stood there in front of the one house that he had exited from he unscrew the cap of the bottle and he then began to drink the dangerously chemical fluid and after he was done he began to cramp up, convulse, and collapse to ground coughing out his own blood before he died he weakly choked out.....
As he had finally stopped moving letting death take him over as he lied there on the ground.
And the police had collected the bodies just about 12 people had died that day all of them were men, women, and children from the ages 6 to 19.

August 1990:
Paranormal researchers had come in and investigated the bizarre events and eventually they came to a conclusion after weeks and weeks of investigating and they suddenly revealed to the police what was the cause of these deaths.
The one police officer had asked the paranormal investigators what it was and they simply replied with "Ok listen.....what you're dealing is not some deadly serial killer or anything that's human what you're dealing with is a ghost!"
Before the police officers could speak the paranormal investigators had asked  one single question: "Have you heard of the legend of the Sun Prairie Ghost?"
And to be honest none of them had did....
So one of the paranormal investigators had spoken telling the backstory of the Sun Prairie Ghost here's how it had went.

In the year of 1831, a child from the local orphanage the child was born as albino and was blind and was named Blackstone Coalheart it was a strange name for a child like indeed but it got peoples attention, so basically the story went on saying that he was an orphan that lived in Goldlock Orphanage after his parents had been killed and had hated being their because the orphanage staff had treated him as badly as ever and he also hated the food there it didn't taste good and then eventually one day a staff member she was the meanest old lady to ever work there she had came into his room to give him his lunch which was a bowl of bland leftover beef stew from the fridge and a side of old stale slice of bread the food tasted like nothing that his mother had made before she had died.
During the time the old lady had entered he had gotten up to escape but the old lady there had caught him quickly and with pure hatred for being their he grabbed a pair of scissors he had used to cut his hair down to his scalp bald and had stabbed the old lady in her chest into the heart and had cut out her eyes and tongue taking them in the process and all the while fleeing he ran down to the orphanages basement and had climbed out a window once he had broken the glass, and he had fled into the woods near being discovered by a voodoo witch in the woods and there he learned black magic and voodoo mind control spells and practiced certain rituals that had involved mutilation and death and was fed from time to time by the witch in the woods and once the witch was found by the local village people they had captured her and they killed through via executioner and he had promised his vengeful wrath against the town and ever since that day his ghost has been spotted by many people and had been traveling from state to state by train car as a homeless drifter wearing the same clothes that he wore from the orphanage the dirty mud covered pants and the burlap shirt the addition was a black elongated hooded coat traveling from town to town with a demonic hellhound named Gloomsinger which his dog was made up by the eyes and tongues of his victims.
There fore there hasn't been any recorded documents about the Sun Prairie Ghost until now this year.

There fore there hasn't been any recorded documents about the Sun Prairie Ghost until now this year

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"And the old copper coins that you guys have..." as the paranormal researcher spoke as the other one had observed "Those coins are a way for the ghostly figure to see, considering the fact that he's blind."
The police had asked the investigators how to stop this entity and the investigators had simply replied with "You can't!"

August 1998
Police had gotten phone calls about families being killed and there children being taken away by a hooded being when the police had gotten there all they had found were the families bodies every single family in town had there eyes and tongues ripped out blood being everywhere.
The bodies were taken into the morgue for an autopsy each one of them finding the same copper 1830's coin inside the bodies.

August 1999:
Local police were called into a brutal crime scene it was revealed that a crazed man had entered into a fine dining restaurant and had murdered everybody and everyone in the restaurant eventually killing himself as he had charged outside and right at two police officers with a meat cleaver one of them pulling his gun and shooting the crazed lunatic in the process and then the officer shooting his partner afterwards and then shooting himself as well after he had went home murdered his entire family his wife and two kids and this was the last death/ murder in the year of August as well when everything had fallen silent.

August 1999:Local police were called into a brutal crime scene it was revealed that a crazed man had entered into a fine dining restaurant and had murdered everybody and everyone in the restaurant eventually killing himself as he had charged outsi...

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