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"Time for your Spanish lesson!" the green owl chirped.

The human blankly stared at the enthusiastic owl, excitedly patting his feet against the ground. "Repeat after me, vete a la mierda!"


The owl took a few turns before he stopped rolling from the sudden impact. His back hit the wall as he let out a weak hoot. "I don't want your stupid Spanish lessons!" Duolingo had realized that the human boy had thrown his phone at him. "You constantly terrorize me with your spanish! My mom was the one who signed me up for this!"

He threw his hand forward in exasperation. "I don't want to learn spanish! I've had enough of your bullshit!!! The emails, the notifications—they block me from what I really want to do! You are not helping me, you are only hindering me."

He pointed at the door in anger. "GET OUT!!!" He then backflipped out of the room through another exit. Duolingo's eyes went wide at the realization. "Nobody wants to learn with me...I am just a (bird)en."

He started to pick up his stuff until a magical door appeared. A woman with elderly features rushed in and took the phone. "HEY!!!! I DIDNT REMOVE MYSELF FROM THAT DEVICE!!!"

He ran into the door with a white blaring light emitting from it, and his body felt like goo for only a moment as he passed through.

duolingo owl x hootyWhere stories live. Discover now