Chapter 12- USSR'S kids

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"You sure you-"

"Yes. Now shut up while I try to figure out how Google maps work." Britain said, squinting at the map before him.

"That's not Google maps Brit. That's an actual map." USSR said, looking at him with a concerned expression.

"It is? Huh. Guess you're right."

"So are you going to use Google now?"

"No." The Brit simply answered, folding the map into his pocket with perfect precision while facing the other.

"You really are something else Britain." USSR said. He didn't seem wierded out at all believe it or not, he was more on the impressed side than anything else.

"Ehh, it'll take too long to get used to technology these days. Anyway, I'm just like everyone else. I'm not different. I don't want to be, I just don't want to be noticed for me anymore." Britain said rather quickly, leaving the country confused.

"Well, it can be a good thing-"

"Aye we're here! Come along now, we don't want to be late!" Britain said cheerily as if he was dropping his children off at preschool. This made the Union chuckle.

"We're not late you know teacup, and what if they're not home?" Asked USSR, purposefully using a name. He did this sometimes to either fluster the Brit or just to make him less pissed about something. It works.

"Excuse me? I'm not a bloody teacup thanks. And if they're not home, we'll try again tomorrow, alright?" Britain said, blushing slightly.

"Fineee. If you insist."

Britain went up the steps and went to knock on the door. But he stopped his hand midway.

"Uhh, well, maybe you were right. Maybe we should come tomorro-"

"There's not going back now. You did this to yourself." USSR cut him off with an evil grin.

Britain gave him an unimpressed look and then gave a hard knock on the door 3 times.

"You're good at knocking doors Brit."

"Do you have to comment on the way I knock doors Sov?"

"Uh-huh. It's hot."

"What the actual fu-"

He stopped midsentence when he heard a series of loud footsteps approaching. Then there was a crash, and then an annoyed groan soon followed after.

Britain looked at USSR with a slightly suspicious look. The other country just gave him a 'what?' look back.

They heard a twist in the lock and the door soon swung open, revealing a tired looking Russia. He had a blue and white striped shirt and a few bandages on his arm. He was also mumbling a few annoyed words in Russian, but as he looked more closely at who he was speaking to, his eyes widened in shock. He soon straightened his posture a bit more while trying to adjust his hand on the door handle. USSR was just staring intensely at the Russian, not quite knowing what to make of the sight of his son years later.

"Uhh, hello? Can I uh, help you?" He said in a Russian accent, which was similar to his father's, but less harsh.

"Ah yes, it's about someone important." Britain said quietly, looking around subconsciously.

USSR grinned. Important? Heh.

"If it's about the club's manager dying I'm not interested in going to her funeral."

"Oh no not about that- wait, Mei died? She was such a nice person! Nobody ever informed me about this-" Britain started, but a stare from USSR reminded him of what he was here for.

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