Chapter 12: City of greed

Start from the beginning

He didn't answer him anymore, Evander just sat down in that nasty disgusting cell, while he was trying to remember what happened to him then suddenly all his memories come back, he remembered that Oliver robbed him and he was the one responsible for what was happening to him there.

· What's your name kid? The man asked.

· I'm Evander, what about you sir.

· Sir? Then he laughed. You are definitely not from this city; well I'm Keelan, nice to meet you Evander.

· Nice to meet you, sir!

· So... Keelan said while he was cleaning his teeth with a piece of wood, where are you from kid?

· I'm from "the city of anger"

· The what? Keelan laughed so hard until his stomach started hurting him. Are you kidding me? There are no other cities.

· Yes, there are, at least one, where I come from.

Keelan's laugh turned into a frustrated face, eyebrows pulled down together with a wide-open glaring eye and an upper eyelid raised in a stare. He kept silent for a second thinking of the next words to say and then he said with a fake smile on his face:

· Well, Evander, if that's true, welcome to our city; I would like to show you around but as you can see we're both trapped here.

· It's ok sir! I just don't understand why they put me here, I did nothing wrong.

· Listen, boy! We've all been there before, the ruler of this city does whatever he wants, the smallest mistake can drive you to the gallows, and it's just the way it is here.

· Tell me more about your king and city, please. Evander said with obvious curiosity on his face like a little kid in the kindergarten waiting for the next story.

· Hey kid! This is not storytime, leave us to get some sleep. Another man said from the adjacent cell.

· Shut up! You old useless scumbag before I rip your eyes out. Keelan answered him.

Then Keelan started telling Evander about the city of greed. It was the perfect presentation of chaos; people killed each other with no punishment or accountability. They could steal, rape, destroy other's proprieties and no one would ask then why? As long as they were submissive to the king's will and they worshiped him, they could do whatever they wanted. Evander slowly placed his hand over his mouth, staring at Keelan without blinking he was surprised from what he heard about that city, he finally understood why back home they worshiped books, and knowledge, it was the only thing that prevented that chaos.

· Sir, if I may ask; why you are here? What did you do?

· I was trying to murder that pig.

· The king? Are you out of your mind?

· I have my own reasons, don't act like you are one of the good guys, 'cause you're not, God knows what you intend to do. Keelan said with madness and frustration, yelling at Evander's face.

· Then tell me, what are those reasons?

Keelan went to the corner of the sell and slowly sat down like he was defeated; the memories that come back to him shut him up for a few minutes before he said:

· I had two beautiful children, a graceful girl, well-mannered and a piece of my heart; once that bustard laid an eye on her, he took her from me, and I never saw her again. He was telling Evander about his daughter while his heart was in terrible pain, he almost shed a tear.

· I'm really sorry about that sir. Evander said, feeling terrible for bringing back those painful memories.

· And my boy, my... precious boy, then Keelan burst into tears, Evander could understand few words in the middle of that breakdown. They... they killed him... in front of my eyes.

Keelan wiped his tears away and that sadness turned into a massive madness and anger, he came close to Evander, who could see the red eyes and anger thrummed into his veins, then Keelan said in a wicked mad voice:

· I WILL KILL HIM, even if it's the last thing I'm going to do.

· Then what? What's going to happen after that? They will just kill you and the next person to rule will be just the same.

· NO, he won't

· What makes you so sure?

· Because...I know exactly who's going to rule after the king. Keelan shouted at him. The king is an old greedy, stingy and stupid man, he has two kids; the young one is as stupid as his father and very naïf but with a good heart, although he's too young to rule.

· And?

· Patience boy! Keelan said with a villain smirk on his face; the elder one is our guy. He's so kind and generous he loves his people, so he's the right one; he's going to be a great king.

· He maybe! Evander said. Honestly, I'm not interested in all this drama; I just want to get out of this city.

Keelan sat down and laid back on the ground with his hands behind his head, after that moment of rage he seemed like a peaceful wave, and then he said in a slow emotionless tone:

· As long as that bustard is the king, you're not even going to step out of this cell.

· Oh no! After a few seconds Evander said; what if we escaped?

· I like the way you think kid! But that's not going to work.

· If we all worked as a team, we can.

Evander said trying to convince Keelan, who seemed interested for a bit, to join him. They kept the silence for a bit; Evander was trying to figure out their escape plan and Keelan was dreaming about another parallel universe where there was no insatiable king and he was with his kids, living a happy beautiful life with his family in that city. Then, Keelan said:

· What you have in mind kid?

· So you are in. Evander was so excited that his cell friend wanted to help to escape but the man just wanted to be free so he can finish what he started.

· Spare me the drama; just tell me what you got.

Then Evander started telling him about the plan, and all its complexities, they agreed on that night, they were going to execute it and leave that shitty hole.

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