Back to Hogwarts - Part 20

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Almost one month later, Severus Snape came to visit Malfoy Manor. He was dressed in his usual black robes and his hair was greasily slicked back. The ministry of magic had been successfully infiltrated that day, and Scrimgeour had been killed by Corban. Pius Thicknesse took his place.

Eleanore cried herself to sleep every single night for that whole month, and it became routine for Draco to slip into her room in the early hours to pull her into a warm embrace. She had claimed the flashbacks were weighing on her conscience, and that every time she closed her eyes she would see the lifeless eyes of Mad Eye Moody. Draco would usually (badly) sing her to sleep, or read her a story to distract her racing, tormented mind. He watched her fall into peaceful rest every night, and he kissed her forehead gently as he dozed off next to her. The dark lord had come to congratulate the young witch, but she denied his company and locked herself away, sliding down the door as she sobbed into her knees.

It was the 27th of August when Eleanore pulled herself to shower and get dressed. She accompanied Draco down the stair case to meet with Snape in the sitting room.

"You two will need to get packed and ready. I'll be taking you to Hogwarts today."

Eleanore's heart skipped a beat when the words left his mouth. She could feel a smile form on her face, for she had always felt safe at Hogwarts. It soon melted, however, when she thought about all the changes to the school, as well as the absence of Dumbledore.

"Who's taken Dumbledore's place?" She willed herself to ask.

"I have. There are also two new professors. Draco, I'm sure you are familiar with Amycus and Alecto Carrow."

Eleanore darted her eyes towards Draco, watching how his expression distorted into one of sadness. Draco nodded slowly, gulping hard. In his same, monotonous voice, Snape continued.

"The Carrows will assist me in delivering suitable punishments. I can not guarantee you exemption, so you must stay in line with the rules."

Eleanore could feel her heart sink with dread at the idea of new rules being enforced.

"Why are we leaving so early?" Questioned Eleanore, scared for the answer.

"It would be too unsafe for you both to travel with the other students."

"How would it be unsafe?" Draco fired back.

"That hardly matters, Draco." Replied Snape, carrying his usual iciness.

Draco straightened his posture and pursed his lips as if to say "fine", and took Eleanore's hand to head upstairs and pack. A black trunk had been left for Eleanore, along with extra robes, shirts, skirts and tights. Her stomach flipped as she shoved everything in, clasping it shut and hurrying to the sitting room.

The two found themselves in the Slytherin common room with the loud crack of a whip, and Eleanore darted her eyes around the room, absorbing the emptiness. Eleanore walked calmly to the sofa, which lay still in front of the all too familiar fire place. She pointed her wand with an outstretched arm and muttered "Incendio." Her eyes found instant calmness in the flames. The sound of roaring fire seemed to fill the room for a second.

"It's so...quiet." Whispered Draco, a hint of anxiety in his voice.
"Yeah, it's weird." Replied Eleanore.
Draco placed his trunk beside him, then walked over to Eleanore. His hands crept around her waist as he pulled her close, and he landed a gentle kiss on her shoulder.
"Will you sleep with me, Draco?" Asked Eleanore, timidly. She spun around to see his eyes widened significantly.
"Um, what, now?"
Eleanore gasped as she reflected on her previous words.
"No, not that way. You know, no body is here. So the dorms are empty...will you, read me stories tonight...and every othe-"
"Yes, El. Of course I will."
Draco pulled her close, letting out a sigh of relief.
"Do you not like my singing?" He chuckled, muffling the sounds with her shoulder.
"I think I'd rather listen to a cat being tortured than your singing."
The two chuckled before taking a seat on the sofa, entangled in each other's arms and allowing themselves to be hypnotised by the fire.
"We're going to get retina burn if we stare at this for too long." Muttered Draco after a while.
"Should we walk around. You know, check out the castle whilst it's empty?"
"That sounds good." A warm smile stretched across his face.

The corridors were ear-piercingly silent. The delicate brickwork was illuminated by the moonlight and the class rooms held a calming stillness to them. The moving staircases were not moving, and the portraits were all in a peaceful slumber. The couple strolled through the muted halls, absorbing every last nook and cranny of Hogwarts.

"You know, it really is a shame you missed out on so many years."

"Oh really? Were they that wonderful?"

The couple were now on a bridge, overlooking the lake beneath them, watching as the wind created faint ripples in the water.

"Yeah, they were. Things were so much different back then."

Eleanore sighed, placing her hand on top of Draco's, which was rested on a ledge.

"I would love to have known Draco Malfoy in the younger years."

Draco sniggered and looked at his feet. "No, you wouldn't."

Eleanore looked towards him, a soothing look in her eyes. She placed a finger gently under his chin, directing his gaze to hers.

"No, Draco. I wish I had grown with you."

Draco's eyes softened under her touch and he found himself staring at her lips, licking his own in return. Their lips locked together and his tongue brushed on hers. Draco's hands moved to Eleanore's waist, and he spun her round so that her lower back was pushed into the wall. Eleanore had hers rested on either side of his face, but soon her fingers found his platinum hair and she was entangled.

This was the first time they had kissed like this in a while. They had had a few nights of rough, passionate sex since his birthday, but Eleanore was far too traumatised from Moody's death, it never crossed her mind since.

Eleanore pulled away after a short while, to see Draco's eyes closed and his neck craned forward. He didn't want her to stop. As his eyes opened once again, Eleanore ran her thumb softly over his dampened lips and bit her own suggestively. He caught her thumb between his lips and licked it slowly.

"Should we go back to the dorm?" Eleanore suggested. Draco nodded, that seductive smirk returning to his mouth. The couple ran back hand in hand, hungry for each other's touch.

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