Christmas - Part 11

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It was 3 days into Christmas break when Jennifer had barged into Eleanore's room and pulled back the curtains, rudely waking her child from a peaceful slumber.

"Can I help you?" Moaned Eleanore as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Her mother only mumbled in response as she hurriedly picked up dirty items of clothing from the bedroom floor. Corban, in the past, had wanted a house elf, but Jennifer had insisted she be a productive mother and wife. Their house was big, but it was no mansion, nothing like Eleanore had heard about Malfoy Manor. "The Malfoys have invited us round for a Christmas party tonight. You had better find something nice to wear." At first, Eleanore couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had never been invited to something like this before. The only thing she had been invited to in the past, was her recruitment into the death eaters the previous summer, and that was a pretty boring event. It was all down to her father keeping her away from everything, and Jennifer's efforts to make sure she wasn't recruited in the first place. For the first time in her life, she would be formally meeting the death eaters. She didn't know whether to be excited or scared. After a few moments of thought, she realised she was just excited to see Draco again. The last time they went this long without seeing each other, he had ended up critically injured.

She lazily walked to the kitchen to find her father reading The Daily Prophet and drinking black coffee. She never had understood black coffee drinkers. As Eleanore boiled the stove top kettle, she felt it necessary to interrogate him.

"So, let me get this straight. You hide me away for 17 years, get me recruited as a death eater, send me to Hogwarts, only then to tell me I have to help kill the headmaster, and now you're letting me attend a big, fancy party. How does any of this make sense?"
Corban's eyes skimmed the top of the paper as he sent a cool look straight towards Eleanore.
"I wanted to keep you out of it for as long as I could. I always told you everything, from the day you could understand it. It's your time, Eleanore." She took his answer, then finished her coffee, (with milk) before returning to her room.

The time finally came for Eleanore to get ready for the party. Her hands were shaking as she traced her fingers over the expensive fabrics in her wardrobe. Finally, she settled on an emerald green maxi dress, with thin straps, embellished with sequins. She selected her best pair of flats, as she knew heels would be too much on her feet for the whole night. She wore her hair down, clipped back on one side with an emerald clip. Her makeup was light; only there to enhance her features. She made her way downstairs, surprised to see a single tear rolling down her mother's cheek. "My dear Eleanore." They hugged for some time, Eleanore not entirely sure why she was so emotional.

When the Yaxley's arrived at Malfoy Manor, Eleanore was shocked to see how grand it really looked. It was blanketed by a dark, grey sky, making it look incredibly intimidating. She thought to herself if this was what her father had always wanted, and a weight seemed to fall on her heart. He didn't need to hide her anymore, so he had every reason to move into a place as luxurious and boastful as this. Corban knocked once on the large door, and it was answered by Narcissa Malfoy. The family was guided to a huge room with plush sofas and a dazzling chandelier. A few people were there already, and Eleanore scanned the room for Draco, but he was nowhere to be found.

A small woman with rugged, black clothing, and even darker hair approached the family. She sounded maniacal in her tone as she extended a thin hand to Eleanore. "Miss Eleanore Yaxley, a pleasure." Reluctantly, the young witch took her hand and nodded slightly, none the wiser as to who she was. "Eleanore, this is Bellatrix Lestrange, Draco's aunt." With this new information, Eleanore forced a smile. Just at the right time, a familiar hand had gripped onto Eleanore's arm and pulled her from the uncomfortable situation. "Draco!" Eleanore couldn't help but feel so incredibly relieved. She flung her arms around his neck and felt his around her waist. She could feel Bellatrix's glare from behind her.

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