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Hey mundanes ,
Have you ever felt like you are trapped /unhappy? Like you cant do it anymore ? Or your life has no meaning or this is the end ?like you dont matter ?
We all do feel these intense emotions at some point of our life and at such times , all we want is to escape and hug out our family/ lover/friends . Am i right ? Why ? Because they assure us that everything is gonna be okay and you will be okay and those words lift us and we fight back .
They cant be there for you all the time to assure you this thing at your worst and you know what , you wont need anybody to lift you  if you become your own anchor - the voice inside you , the spirit inside you thats dying for your unconditional love and support . You need to nurture that voice and nourish yourself  with your love . If you want to be powerful or content with your yourself / life - then become your own anchor and the reason for your smile / happiness.
And this is not me saying this but its my life experience that has enlightened me about the power of self love .
This book titled " Dress in self love and move on " will make you learn the importance of self love through the short stories .
Lastly , i would like to say that i am not perfect and i am open to suggestions / feedbacks
Have your say and be a part of this journey . It would mean a lot to me .

With love
- SD

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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