Mom in Parts

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          Diagnosis: Severe Paranoid Schizophrenia

Symptoms include

Delusions, hallucinations,

Disorganized speaking, disheveled appearance,

Suicidal thoughts

Involuntary heartbreak

The last symptom

Is my discovery

          Circa 1988-- Your Date with Chris

Perhaps you forgot,

Or remembered not to forget

Your spiritual night

At a local fair

Chris tells me the story

Over your body,

seven years in that hole,

buried without a headstone

I hate my name-- Michael

Too common for my taste,

Too strong on my ear,

But he changes that for me

Credit to you, too.

You and him were one,

Arms interlocked and carefree

Passing a fortune teller

As they demanded their clairvoyance

Be heard by you both

Chris had to know,

"Would we be married?"

Light embellishes the oracle

Crystal ball reflecting their hands

Whirring, stirring, observing

I wonder if they were seeing us, talking,

Over your grave.

But your lives are destined

To be intertwined."

It's here that I scoffed,

How much did you pay them?

Chris' eyes were guarded

Sunglasses shielded the sincerity

But his cadence remained clear

An urge to scoff is interrupted

You are leaving,

This movie bored you two

Light intensifies around the crystal

Their hands sway in dismay

"You will have a Michael.

Keep them close,

They will be your guardian angel.

And he will never leave you."

            2004-- Kindergarten Kid

Towering metal doors intercept

Hallways, walls of chipped paint

Its blue loud and abysmal

Begging to escape

There's refuge in the door's light

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