RYAN: Can you believe we graduated last week.

(Sally coughing.)

SALLY: A fucking relief.

(Ryan takes a hit from the bong.)

SALLY: I mean, high school wasn't the ideal time for me.

(Ryan coughing.)

RYAN: Yeah, I guess, but we had each other!

SALLY: No, we didn't.

RYAN: What do you mean?

SALLY: I mean, you were always dating some new bimbo!

(Sally and Ryan start to inch towards each other as the argument gets more heated.)

RYAN: I was not! Take that back-Sally!

SALLY: Oh, sorry Ryan, I shouldn't have used the word bimbo, maybe something else along the lines of, oh, whore!

RYAN: What the hell!?

SALLY: Like Jessica for example, I mean it was the 9th grade, but come on!

RYAN: Those "whores" were your friends!

(Sally backs off of Ryan.)

SALLY: Yeah... Well.


SALLY: It was a joke! I got you! It was a joke. I pranked you because, you're high.


RYAN: Sally, are you jealous?


SALLY: What?! No! I mean, yeah, but it's not a big deal!

RYAN: What do you mean it's not a big deal

SALLY: I just mean, that, well. I always went to the dances alone back in high school.

RYAN: Did you want me to, uh, ask you to the dance?

SALLY: Oh, thanks Ryan, but your invitation is a few months late.

(Ryan and Sally laugh.)

SALLY: Ryan Rockly, last week we were just kids, in high school. It's like when you reach a certain age and you no longer feel like you are that age, like when I turned 16 I didn't feel 16, I just felt like me. I guess that's what graduating feels like, like something huge has happened, but I don't feel the impact of it just yet. Unfazed, I guess. My point is, I'm stoned and this is so hard for me to explain, but you, you are my favorite person to smoke weed with.

RYAN: Thanks Sal! You're my favorite smoking buddy too!

SALLY: No, you don't understand! I could smoke with anyone, literally anyone! But I only want to smoke with, you.

RYAN: Well you don't only smoke with me, you smoked with that theatre kid Tom once!

SALLY: No, you aren't understanding.

RYAN: Sal, I'm really high, but what is this? Are you like in love with me or what are you hinting at?

SALLY: Would it be so bad if I was?


(Awkwardly Ryan wipes his glasses off and begins to clap.)

RYAN: That was a scene, right? Or some kind of bit? Because, Brava! You almost had me there for a sec.

(Ryan takes another hit from the bong.)

SALLY: Yeah, you got me. A scene. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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