"Yeah. It's fine." You crawled underneath your comforter, "Good night, Santana." You reached over and turned the light off. Santana's big arms wrapped around you, and he softly hummed a nonsensical tune. You from fifty years ago probably would have thought you were crazy. Now you were just happy that you'd have more company around the house.

Dio took form again once you had actually fallen asleep. The sight of a mostly naked man snuggling up with the woman he deemed as his was certainly not what he wanted to see. His eye twitched in anger, as he grumbled to himself, "Is she doing this just to spite me?" Santana's eyes shot open and he looked around the room. "What makes you better than me, huh? Why is she sleeping with you and not me? Does she already know I can watch her when she sleeps? Are you her body guard or something? Although, perhaps she's just trying to make me jealous..."

Of course, Santana couldn't hear him so he didn't respond. He did sense a strange presence in the room though. He knew something was there, but he just wasn't sure what.

Dio waved a hand in front the man's face, "Hello?" He smirked. "Hah! You're not even a Stand user!" You and Iggy started to move around in your sleep from his loud voice, so Dio quickly shut himself up.

Your eyes slowly opened up as morning approached. You almost screamed when you saw the Pillar Man just leaning over you. "S-Sanatana?" You rubbed your eyes and sat up as he moved over a bit to give you some room. "How long have you been awake for?"

He shrugged, "Not long. A few hours at the most."

You glanced over at your clock and then got out of bed. You did a few stretches to loosen up. "Santana, I'm going to say goodbye to Jun'ya before he leaves. Could you stay here while I do that?"

He quickly nodded, "Yes, and I will watch over your tiny beast."

"Right..." You exited your bedroom and you arrived in the kitchen to see Jun'ya buttering up a slice of toast. A single bag laid packed up and ready to go at his feet.

He took a bite, "Well, um, this is it, I guess. I'll tell Grandmama that you said hi. It was nice knowing you." He shoved the toast in his mouth and slung his bag over his shoulder.

"Don't be a stranger, Jun'ya." In response to your words he gave you a thumbs up, swung the front door open, and then he left.

"So the human is gone now?" Asked Santana as he walked out of your bedroom holding a sleeping Iggy.

You started closing all the blinds and curtains to let Santana roam around more freely, "Yup. It's just you, me, and Iggy now." The dogs ears perked up when you said his name. He cracked open an eye and he slowly remembered where he was. He let out a happy bark and hopped down to the floor. Santana wandered out of the kitchen and towards the living room while you cooked up some eggs for Iggy upon having no real dog food at the moment.

The rest of the morning was just cleaning up the guest bedroom for its new occupant. You looked through the dresser to see some clothes left behind from times either Caesar or Joseph had stayed over. You unfolded one of them, just smiling as you remembered the times the three of you had shared. Your eyes landed on one of Caesar's headbands. Without much of a thought you tied your hair up with it before exiting the room. After getting yourself ready, you informed your housemates that you were going to take a quick shopping trip.

You walked for a few minutes before arriving at the Kame Yu Department Store. They had a wide variety of things there, so you were fairly certain you could find what you wanted. A lady at the cash register greeted you at the sound of the bell attached to the door ringing. You walked over to the men's clothing section, a bit surprised to see a familiar head of blonde hair glancing through an assortment of ties.

You grabbed a few shirts and pants that you thought might be able to fit the Pillar Man. You found some funky patterned socks as well as some less interesting boxer briefs. You turned around when someone tapped you on the shoulder.

"Could you tell me what the price of..." The blonde man's voice trailed off, "Oh. You don't work here. I apologize." He tilted his head slightly, "Have we met before?"

You nodded, "Sort of. I saw you walking past my house last night..."

His eyes lit up in realization, "Oh, right. I apologize if I scared you or something. I've just been taking walks at night lately. It helps me clear my head, you know?"

"Oh. I understand. You don't need to explain yourself to me. I take late walks sometimes, too. I should hurry up with my shopping, though." You gestured to your basket, "I'll see you around..."

"Yoshikage Kira." He extended his hand towards you.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." You shook his hand. The contact lasting only slightly longer than what was likely considered appropriate. The two of you then went your separate ways. You picked up some quality dog food, not entirely certain if Iggy would even eat it anyways, and then checked out, heading home as you would on any other day.

Yoshikage Kira, on the other hand, went through a less normal series of activities. He left the store without purchasing anything, although sparing an interested glance at the sign stating they were in need of more office workers for Kame Yu.

He walked home and opened the door to his home empty of any life. He slipped his shoes off and headed towards his bedroom, pulling open the bottom drawer of his dresser. He took out his journal of sorts, jotting down the growth of each individual fingernail for the day. Overall, they had grown more than they usually did. He'd have to do something about that soon.

Once done with that, he set the pencil down to remove a small picture from his pocket before taping the image to the bottom right corner of the page. He shut the book and set it back in its spot. He walked into his kitchen and called up the number he had seen listed on the help wanted sign. The job seemed to have the quietness and normality that he preferred.

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