The Tower

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(Reader) and Tsuyu walk to the Guardians of the Galaxy tower. They walked up to the doors and open them. The place still looks like the power is still on.  They walk around the room and look at the collection.  They walk over to the doors to do into the office.  They either can go left or right.

"I think we should split up." (Reader) tells Tsuyu. She looks at him. She shakes her head.

"No, we need to stick together." Tsuyu tells (Reader). (Reader) shakes his head.

"There are two rooms, they both exit in the back of the room. We will be ok." (Reader) tells Tsuyu. Tsuyu isn't convinced.

"Either we split up to check each room or we go into one and get ambushed from the room we didn't check." (Reader) tells Tsuyu. She is saddened by this.

"Your right. Just promise me something. You come back to me. You and I have already a couple of close calls. Please come back to me alive. Promise me... Ribbit!" She tells (Reader). (Reader) looks at her. He want to say yes, but she was right about one thing. They've had a lot of close calls. (Reader) looks her in the eyes and nods.

"Say it!" Tsuyu snapped at him. (Reader) blinks in surprise. He takes a deep breath.

"I promise I will come back too you. And I promise that when I do, I'm going to U.A." (Reader) tells Tsuyu. Tsuyu kisses him passionately. They kiss for a while. They break apart. Tsuyu crying goes left, while (Reader) his heart hurting goes right. He walks into the room and sees the private office. He walks to the other side of the room and walks through the door. He looks around and nothing. He walks over to the other door where Tsuyu's room is. The door opens and she walks out of the room.  She sees (Reader) and hops over the barricade. She hugs him.

"Thank goodness." She tells him. He hugs her. They stop hugging and they continue to walk into what looks like the basement area.  There are still more items here.  They see one of the elevator doors open.  They are about to walk through, when they hear a voice on the other side of the doors.

"Ok, I just need to kill the hero's that are still here and I will be able to run the world the way I want. This park is the first.  Once I take over this park. I will go to Florida, then Paris, then the two in China, and the last one in Japan. I'm hold all the parks and guest ransom and kill them all when I get paid. It's perfect." The voice said. Tsuyu and (Reader) look at each other. Then very quietly and slowly, they look around the elevator door to look down the hall. There is a man in a red, yellow, and brown costume. He looks strong and maybe fast as well. He is sitting an one of the benches with a bunch of books, magazines and comics.  He reaches into the comic and pulls out a weapon.  He reaches in to the comic again and pulls out an alien. 

"Here's a blaster. Go and guard the front entrance. I'm going to bring out more your not alone." The villain tells the alien. The alien heads to the door, where Tsuyu and (Reader) are hiding. They get on either side of the door and wait. The alien walks through and Tsuyu wraps her tongue around his neck and breaks its neck. The alien vanished. (Reader) gives her the thumbs up. They go back to watching the villain. He's still looking through the comic. He turns back to a page and stares at the picture.

"Didn't I just pull you out?" He asks himself. He looks up and around the hallway. He picks up two books and stands up. He puts the books in a backpack on his back.

"I know your here. Come out. If you don't I'm release a gas to kill you while I pull out a gas mask."  He threatens the hallway. (Reader) looks at Tsuyu.

"We have to attack him now or we will die." He says to her. She nods. (Reader) activates One for All and runs to the villain. The villain sees him coming, but cant reacted in time. (Reader) punches him and he goes flying away from the piles of books. He landed about ten feet away. Punching him felt like a punching a brick wall. He gets back up and runs at (Reader). He lands a punch on (Reader) and he slides back.

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