Not one, but two

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The sun sets as (Reader), Tsuyu, and Denki get into Hollywood land. They start walking down the street. They look around the land, looking for anything that could lead them to Jiro.

"Where could she be?" Denki asked. (Reader) and Tsu could hear the worry in his voice.  (Reader) and Tsuyu turn to look at him.

"It ok, we will find her...Ribbit." Tsuyu tells Denki.  Denki walks left that leads to Mickey's Philharmagic.  Tsuyu and (Reader) follow him.  Denki walks inside Mickey's Philharmagic. When they get inside, they don't see anything out of the ordinary. Denki turns around and walks back out.  He walks over to Monsters Inc.  He goes inside the ride. Tsuyu wants to follow him, but (Reader) stops her.

"Ribbit. We need to follow him." Tsuyu tells (Reader). 

"I don't think we are going to find anything inside there." (Reader) tells Tsuyu. As soon as he was done saying that, Denki came back out.  Denki walked right passed them and kept walking.

"Denki stop!" (Reader) yelled at him. Denki stopped and turned. He looks worried.

"You need to stay calm.  Your running inside the building and aren't looking.  You go inside and don't look closely.  I get it, your worried. But your not going to help Jiro if your acting like this.  So calm down and take a deep breath.  Ok?" (Reader) tells Denki. Denki takes a deep breath and another deep breath. Denki looks like he's calming down.  He looks at (Reader) and Tsuyu.

"Thank you. I needed to calm down and get my head back on straight."  Denki says to them.  He walks over to Tsuyu and hugs her.

"I just want to find her." Denki tells Tsuyu. Tsuyu rubs his back.

"I know, we will find her. I know we will... Ribbit." Tsuyu tells Denki. (Reader) looks at them both. He sees their something odd. He sees their shadows growing.  (Reader) grabs both of them and pulls them. They move and look at (Reader).

"Why did you pull us?" Denki asked. (Reader) point to the ground where they were standing. They look, their shadows didn't move. They all looked at them. The shadows moved away from them and went it to the build next door to Monsters Inc.  (Reader),Tsuyu, and Denki ran after them. They get to the building and found the doors to get in.  They open them and run inside. They look around the room. They see voodoo dolls, tarot cards, a table with a table cloth on it.  (Reader) smiles. He knows who this belongs to. A tall, skinny, mustached; and dressed in very linear black and red clothing. He has purple eyes, and a thin mustache, as well as a gap between his front teeth. He has long, bony fingers, and lanky arms, appeared in front of the table.

"Hello everyone. A tip of the hat from Dr. Faciler. What brings you all into me home?" Dr. Faciler asks them. Denki walks up to him.

"I'm looking for my friend.  You haven't seen her have you?" Denki asked him. Dr. Faciler swings his cane around to the curtain behind the table. He moves the curtain. Behind the curtain is a girl with purple hair and dark purple eyes. Her earlobes have earphone jacks on them.

"Jiro!!!" Denki screamed. He ran over to her and hugged her. She hugged him as well.

"Denki, thank goodness." Jiro said. She smiled with a tears in her eyes. Denki looked at her and smiled.

"There's someone here you need to meet.  He is a great hero and he might be coming to U.A." Denki tells her.  He lets go of her and brings he to (Reader) and Tsuyu. Jiro holds out her hand. She shakes (Reader)s hand. 

"It's great to see you again... Ribbit." Tsuyu says to Jiro. Jiro turns to Dr. Faciler.

"I thought we locked up that frog, how did she get out?"  She yelled at Dr. Faciler. Dr. Faciler went over to a small box and opened it. A frog hopped out of it. Dr. Faciler tried to grab it.  (Reader) moved fast to the frog and grabbed it. He brought it back to Tsuyu, Denki, and Jiro.

"This is Jiro, this person is imposter." (Reader) points at Jiro. Jiro pulled out a knife and lunges at Denki. Denki jumps back a dodges the knife. Tsuyu uses her tongue to get the knife. The imposter and Tsuyu fight for the knife. (Reader) tosses the frog to Denki. Denki catches the frog. He looks at the frog.

"Jiro is it you?" Denki asks the frog. The frog croaked. Tsuyu did get the knife away from the imposter.

"The frog said yes... Ribbit!" Tsuyu yelled at Denki. (Reader) ran to Dr. Faciler. Dr. Faciler's shadow appeared and it hits (Reader). He fell down and landed on the floor in front of Dr. Faciler. Tsuyu and the imposter are still fighting. Denki is still looking at the frog. The frog croaked at Denki again.

"Jiro, I'm sorry. I couldn't save you. I-I love you." Denki tells the frog. The frog looked at him. Denki closes his eyes and kisses the frog.  There was a light and the real Jiro appeared. The imposters disguise vanished. A girl with black hair appears. She looks at Dr. Faciler.

"Hey, my disguise wore off!" She yells in a whiny voice at Dr. Faciler. Dr. Faciler has a voodoo doll of (Reader) in his left hand, and a knife in his right. He's looking down at (Reader) on the ground. He can't move, because his shadow has him pinned. He moves his eyes from (Reader) to her.

"Drizella, I'm busy!" He yells at her. Tsuyu look at her and sees she is wearing something around her neck. Tsuyu launches her tongue at Drizella. Drizella moves out of the way. Jiro and Denki run to Dr. Faciler and tackle him. Dr. Faciler drops the voodoo doll and the knife. The shadow lets go of (Reader). Tsuyu tackles Drizella and takes a talisman from her neck. Tsuyu breaks it. Dr Faciler and Drizella yell "No" at the same time. They hear drums playing. (Reader), Tsuyu, Jiro, and Denki watch as voodoo demons appear and drag both Dr. Faciler and Drizella to the other side. Everything vanished and the only people left are (Reader), Tsuyu, Jiro, and Denki.  Jiro and Denki stand up.  (Reader) gets to his feet too. Tsuyu walks over to (Reader) and holds him. Jiro looks shocked at Tsuyu.

"When did this happen?" Jiro asks Denki and Tsuyu.  Tsuyu blushes.

"Earlier today." Tsuyu tells Jiro. Jiro walks over to Tsuyu and (Reader). Tsuyu lets go of (Reader). Jiro hold out her hand.

"I'm Kyōka Jiro. How did you get her to like you?" Jiro asks (Reader).

"I helped her and her friends." (Reader) tells her. Tsuyu blushes even harder. 

"He also saved me.  You see, Ashido, Kirishima, Midoriya, Uraraka, and I were fighting this queen. She had a chemical quirk. She can launch any chemicals she wants. Her chemicals were Mummy dust, Black of night, an old hags cackle, and a scream of fright. I was immune to it. The others weren't and the chemicals effected them. So I ran after her and she changed into a witch or something. Anyway she combined all of them together and she throw it at me. It knocked me out. When I woke up, he was above me. He was crying and so were everyone else, but why did a kiss wake me up?" Tsuyu asked (Reader).

"Because, the chemical she hit you with was called the sleeping death. The antidote to that is loves first kiss." (Reader) told them. Tsuyu looked at (Reader) and kisses him. Jiro smiles.

"Just like mine." Jiro says, turning to Denki. Denki walks up and grabs her hand.

"It's true, I do love you." Denki tells her. Jiro kisses him.

"I love you too" Jiro tells him. They all leave the building and walk back into Hollywood land. They all start walking to the front gate. (Reader) stops. Tsuyu stops too. Jiro and Denki keep walking holding hands. Tsuyu looks at (Reader).

"What is it... Ribbit?" She asks. He turns to her.

"I think the one who is doing this is still here in the park." (Reader) tells her. She grabs his hand.

"Then let's go look for them, where do you think he is?" Tsuyu asks him.  He turns to look at the Guardians of the Galaxy Tower.

"I think there." He points to the tower. Tsuyu turns to see the tower.

"Then let's go." She says to him.

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