chapter 1: crazy ex-wife

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Third pov:

The chilling coldness of the darkening night loomed over the wizard known as The-Boy-Who-Lived or man since he couldn't be called a boy anymore, Hadrian James Potter-Black-Peverell was currently running away from his crazy ass ex-wife Ginny who was trying to kill him in order to have her cheating not be exposed to the wizarding world, and as the night got longer the shorter Harry's time was to live. Harry felt that even with Hermione's influence Ron's stupidity grew on him greater since he forgot months earlier, he invented a spell that may not be observed or experienced yet but it was his only hope to live as Ginny's avada kedavra was getting closer and his stupefy and expelliarmus spells weren't any help 

Hadrian James Potter-Black-Peverell the Boy-Who-Lived was currently running away from his crazy ass ex-wife Ginny Weasley who was trying to kill him in the cold night, and it all started when he found out she was cheating on him and divorced her. As Harry was throwing stinging spells at her and he ran the fastest he could it hit him. Why not try the spell he's been working for months to escape? hesitantly he said the spell at a fast speed for ginny not to catch up with him "effugere apparate protegat!!" after saying the spell everything turned black. Great.

Harry's pov:

As I said the spell, everything went black. groaning I slowly opened my eyes and tried to stand as I was on a cold floor, I looked around and I saw I was in the hallway? Why does it look like Hogwarts? As I look around, I see in front of me dumbledore's young self. great. "How did you get past the wards?!?" "Who even are you m' boy?!?" young dumbledore asked me well he does look pretty shocked and again I literally just showed up from nowhere. Now he needed a good excuse, he could say he's running away cause he's a Peverell and Grindelwald would track him as he did with his parents and kill him, yeah it was perfect! "Sir... my name is Hadrian Peverell I mean away from Grindelwald's followers" 'Hehe that would do the trick'   "oh I see,"  Dumbledore said with a sad expression but soon to be turned into a sad smile as he said   "don't you worry m' boy I'll contact the headmaster to sort you in a house you look about 14 you must be in the fourth year," said the professor as I look at him bewildered I quickly do a wandless spell without Dumbledore's notice to do a mirror spell and indeed he looked like he was 14 except with cuts over his pale skin and dirt. As I see the professor snap out of his trance I say "yes indeed I'm 14"

"Well then let us go to the headmaster's office" and with that, we left. 

Standing in Dumbledore's office I felt like an ant in the middle of a giant's house, and I am not happy. Years, it took years, not months nor days, years to grow a few miserable inches just to shrink back into my small dejected stature. Freaking Dursleys raised me into a flea while raising Dudley to a big fat plump elephant that needs to waddle in order to move. I shouldn't compare Dudley to elephants, it would be an insult to the poor animals... Hermione would be disappointed in me. 

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