Golden Ticket

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Okay so basically, you work at the shop where Charlie found his Golden Ticket, and you meet Wonka there.
Fuck's sake. Work was already busy enough most of the time, with it being the only newsagents on the street, and now you had to deal with hundreds of people coming in, waving their money at you and buying 20 bars at a time, and then screaming at YOU because there wasn't a Golden Ticket in the wrapper, like it was your fault. And then your boss opened the store for longer hours to sell MORE Wonka Bars.

(A few hours later)
While you were on your break, a man walked in. He had dark brown hair that was cut into a bob, a red jacket, a black shirt,black trousers, a cane, and a black hat. He was certainly an... intriguing character, to say the least. You sighed before putting on your "customer service" face, as your boss liked to call it. "Hello sir, how could I help you?"

He seemed startled, like you had pulled him from the back of his own mind. "Oh, no thank you dear. Just looking around." He walked over to the chocolate bars. "Say, my dear, what are your opinions on chocolate?" You were confused. "I- I'm sorry?" What a peculiar question. He smiled, his perfect teeth showing. "I asked what your opinions are on chocolate?"

You hesitated for a minute. "Well, it's okay, I guess." This time HE seemed surprised. "Just okay? Why, it's possibly the greatest invention in the entire history of the world! Who doesn't love the tooth tickling, tongue tastical taste, of a bar of soft milk chocolate...... Except dogs of course, its poisonous to dogs, but apart from dogs-"

You just looked at him, with a look of confusion in your (e/c) eyes. You would would never admit it, but his little rants were kind of.. cute?

You mentally slapped yourself.
"No, bad y/n."

You laughed nervously, not sure what to say. He laughed with you, not unkindly though. "Your laughs are adorable. What is your name?"
You thought. "Well, my name is y/n. What about you?"

He smiled, and slid a business card across the table."Delighted to meet you y/n. I hope to meet you again soon." And with that, he left.

You looked at the business card.
"Willy Wonka, choclatier extraordinaire".
Call xxx xxx xxx (I'm too lazy to think of numbers)

You stared at the card in disbelief. "Did I just- did he- Did Willy Wonka just give me his number!"

And with that, you passed out.

So, that was the first chapter! If you have any requests, you can let me know in the comments, or DM me privately on WattPad.
Au Revoir,

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