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NEIL and Farah met at the same cafe at ten-thirty am. She was weaning tight white t-shirt with low rise jeans and her hair tied up in a ponytail. She wore her rimless glasses as she worked on her laptop, while Neil, coincidently wearing the same outfit as Farah, swapping low rise jeans with ripped ones, sipped his bubble tea, letting Farah work in silence. When they first saw each other, Neil chuckled while Farah gaped at him, shocked that they somehow, weirdly, matched outfits.

"Alright," Farah starts, "so, I've got a simple layout of your restaurant here on my laptop to figure out which colours go best and what more we could add or remove to sit with the theme of your choice." She turns the laptop around so he could could see what she was working on, and as much as he liked what he was seeing, he did not understand what those 3-D shapes could possibly be. "Fay, I know you've worked a lot on this, but I'm kind of having a hard time understanding this image right her so would you please explain," Neil says sheepishly. Farah rolled her eyes and tried to hide her smile before she moved her chair to sit close to him.

Neil stiffened at her side, as it had been a while since the two them were this close to each other. Their legs touched, her arm brushed against his, she sat very close to him, oblivious to the fact that her sitting too close him was making him weird. A mix of confusion and sparks. She still smelt like lavender and a hint of vanilla, the scent Neil had grown to love. Farah tried to not think much of this closeness, trying to ignore the feeling one gets in their heart when they get happy or excited. His scent was still the same, she thought. A little bit of the same perfume he has been using since high school and a little like he had just freshly gotten out of shower. She didn't know how to explain it, but she knew it was one of her most favourite kind of fragrance. She pushes her glasses on her head,

"alright so I was thinking we should leave the exposed pipes and the brick wall as it is because that would give the raw feeling that you want, and for the colours, I was thinking neutral and warm tones? Like reds and yellows and oranges, with a hint of greens here and there. It would give an Indian feel, and I think it would fit well considering the fact that people usually think of those colours as happy colours. Plus I wanted to add some greenery as in indoor plants. Let's talk furniture, do you want modern or homey, like cushions and what not?" She asks Neil.

She watches him as he thinks, his jaw flexing as he thinks about the whole idea. Farah looks at him in awe, forgetting the fact that they hate each other. She focuses on his their arms touching, his veins popping and suddenly all she can think about is those arms holding her close and those hands doing things that she knows would drive her insane. The thought makes her cheeks heat up, colouring them a shade of pink as she desperately tries to stop thinking about it. Farah noticed a strand of her flopping onto his forehead, and the urge of pushing it away was so strong she reaches to push it back before realising it.

Neil stares at her as she pushes his hair back. Her eyes widen when she realises what she has done and abruptly throws her hand back to its place. Neil smirks at her as he watches her cheeks turn pink, "old habits die hard huh Fay?" He asks, the smirk still plastered on his face. He leans in close to her ear, his cool breath fanning her neck and she stiffens, "do I still make you feel some type of way?" He says sensually and her cheeks turn a deeper shade of red if that were possible. He moves away and chuckles, shaking his head.

Farah tries to look unfazed, as if what just happened didn't ignite her insides. "how about we go and figure out the kind of paint you need huh?" She says sternly, trying to keep her cool and show him that he doesn't have any effect on her, even if her cheeks say the opposite.

They drive up to Ace in Dubai festival City after deciding that they should get started with the job. Farah traces her fingers against the paint cans, her fingertips feeling cool at the touch. She loved this place, being around art supplies and colours made her happy. She felt at peace. "how about this red colour?" She pointed at the paint can that said 'Red Opal', a warm red that she thought would fit the theme. "which one?" Neil asks, and she points upwards.

Neil looked at her confused, so she tiptoed and reached out in attempt to grab the can. She mentally cursed herself for wearing low rise jeans and a t-shirt that was riding up right now. Neil stares at her stomach, suddenly having the urge to touch her smooth skin. He wanted to trace her curves, his eyes moved from her face to her breasts to her hip and her ass. All he could think about was holding her close, and tracing her curves with his lips. He visibly gulped and tried to hide the growing bulge in his jeans, cursing himself for thinking about her that way in an area where loads of people were.

"a little help would be good Neil," Farah says irritably. He noticed a man staring at her, and Neil only felt like he wanted to pull that man's eyes right out of its sockets. His jaw clenched and he moved towards her, snaking an arm around her waist and pulling her close as he reached up to grab the paint can. Farah felt a rushed sparks coursing through her body, she felt like her body was set on fire. His grip just got stronger by the minute and she gasped. She wanted to stop him, move away from him, not let him touch her this way, but she couldn't. Because some part of her didn't want him to move, some part of her wanted to hold him back, and a huge part of her wanted him to take her away and have his way. Her eyes widened at the thought, but more so at the fact that his bulge was pressed up against her. Oh my god, she thought, he's having a hard on. Neil grabs the can and finally lets go of her, suddenly making her yearn for the touch.

"what was that about?" She tries to sound pissed but her voice gives away, "I was helping you grab the can," he smirks at her, knowing that it would only piss her off more, "fucking jerk!" She huffed. He leans in, "Oh Fay, don't act like you didn't love what just happened" Truly a jerk.

Sending love your way

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