Darkness Will Always Follow

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(A/n: In this story you're going to be three years younger than Dazai and Chuuya. Currently the two are 16 which makes you 13)

"Hey! have you heard of The Devils Advocate?"
"Yes, but doesn't she go by Les Diables precoisent?"
"Yes! Apparently she's partners with the Port Mafia."
"No way! The Devils Advocates helps and saves people! They can't possibly be with the Port Mafia!"

As you sit there waiting for a certain person you over hear the conversation going on behind you. A small smile tugs your lips but is quickly washed away when someone sits down in front of you.

"Long time no see. Let's get straight to the point shall we?" You look up from your menu and your face is serious yet playful. Something that always unsettled the man in front of you. He never understood how you can look so scary yet beautiful, to some degree the idea of you reminds him of someone.

He slides a picture to you "I need this man captured and brought to me. Don't do anything till I say, I might need those skills of yours." You smiled to yourself "Understood" "I'm assuming you're not to busy so I need this job done quick and smoothly, understood?" You have a small little laugh. This laugh frightened the man "Do you know who you're speaking with? I'll get it down flawlessly, just for you." Said man felt shivers up his spin by the way you that.

He looked at you and noticed a ghost of a smile "You love the thrill of the chase don't you?" You looked back into the mans azure eyes and gave such a innocent smile "The chase is the best part!" Once again a chill went down his spin, he just didn't understand you. You were a mystery to him, he was intrigued by you but knew you could kill him with no hesitation if he said one wrong thing.

"Have you eaten yet?" He asked and you shook you head 'no' as you answer. "I was just about to order. Would you care to join me today Chuuya?" This time instead of getting the chills he felt at ease and he agreed. Even though he knew what you were capable of he was still your closest thing to a friend and even family.

To Chuuya you were both the calm before the storm and the storm itself. You keep your emotions so in check and can easily control them, he partially believes it's a part of your ability but he isn't sure. "Of course. Like I said it's been a while since we've seen each other y/n." Your smile was one of pure happiness and Chuuya felt his heart swell with happiness. After all he was the one that saved you and instead of being brought into the Port Mafia he made a deal with Mori that you would work with them when they really needed you. Other than that you were free to do whatever. He felt like your protector and in a certain way he was. He was your brother and you were his baby sister.

Once you decided you could handle yourself you moved out and left Chuuya. Of course you still visit and talk to him but because you both have very busy lifestyles it's very rare when the two of you can meet up.

Chuuya didn't like the idea of you being part of the Port Mafia. He didn't like the idea of seeing the darkness follow you, but he knew as well as you and Mori that no matter what you always will have darkness following you. That's why Mori agreed to the terms. He believes you will willingly join the Port Mafia and when you do, they will be waiting for you with open arms and a position as an executive right next to your brother, Chuuya.

It was understood that blood will always be shed. Especially in your life, both yourself and Chuuya know this, but Chuuya wanted to keep you in the light instead of in the dark. He sadly didn't get to. Once he found you he already knew he wouldn't be able to keep you in the light but he still tried.

You have no problem being in the dark because you know that's were you belong. Being in the darkness was all you've known. To you it was comforting but when Chuuya found you and brought light to you, you were confused but allowed it. And to say you were happy was an understatement. Since you've meet Chuuya he has been the light, he has been your support, he has kept you sane. But know you don't need that support anymore. Of course you will still take it.

Chuuya knows what you do and you know what he does. He can't read you but you can easily read him. He is aware of how sadistic and gruesome you can be and you're aware of how short tempered and proud he can be. Even though you remind him of someone he never liked, he still got along perfectly fine with you. Even when you got on his nerves. Even when your sadistic side showed and reminded him of the person he hates. Even when he witnessed you rip people to shreds with no remorse. He still stayed by your side, he was still you support. And you were forever grateful to him.

"Say Chuuya?" He hummed in response "Isnt this your old teammate?" When he looked at you, your head was tilted and a little smile ghosted you're face. For some reason Chuuya was nervous and made even him fear for his old partner. "Yes why?" Your smiled dropped and your face went grim "He was the one that broke his loyalty towards you. Someone like that shouldn't be alive. If you don't have loyalty then what's the point in life."

Chuuya knew what you meant. But he also knew you were always ordered around. Treated like a dog loyal to its owner. When he finally found you, you kept mumbling about how you weren't loyal to your so called "father" it took Chuuya months for you to understand what you did was okay. And it took Chuuya years for you to understand you are your own person and can make your own decisions. When you finally understood it scared yourself and him because that's when you lost control and went crazy. That's when you found out how powerful you were and that's when Chuuya found out he needed to get you to understand that you can't lose control and need to keep a level head.

And he succeeded, you're now very aware of what you can and can't do but once in a while you do wait for Chuuya to give you an order, your loyalty still lies with Chuuya more than yourself but you are aware that you make your own decisions now. If you wanted to leave and never see him again you could but you just chose not to.

"Y/n remember, life isn't always about loyalty. Sometimes you can be selfish." You knew he wasn't talking about his old partner he was talking to you. Making sure you remembered what it took him years to teach you. You smiled and nodded "I understand that but I'm just saying, when you're not loyal you hurt the ones you care most about. And you were upset for a while when he betrayed you." You smirked seeing Chuuya's face scrunch up in disgust "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT IDEA?!?" Your light hearted laugh made Chuuya calm down but he also was a little embarrassed seeing as you two were in public "You look like a tomato Chuuya~" he clicked his tongue in annoyance "Let's just hurry up and eat."

I started a new book!
I absolutely love Bungou Stray Dogs
And I feel like it needs more love
This book style is going to be a little different from my others
I'm trying to be better a writing so hopefully this goes well
Anyways thanks for reading!

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