"Well, I guess this is it. It was nice knowing you all" Trixie sighed.

"Was it though?" Pearl asked, sarcasm in full drawl.

"Well no but that's beside the point" She replied curtly, causing them all to chuckle as she left.

Miss Bates was similarly revered in the way Miss Rio was, but occasionally showed moments of empathy, making her not entirely hatable.

"I was going to call you into the office at lunch, but I might as well tell you now that you're here" She said, her stature looming over Trixie. She wasn't even much taller, but she carried herself in a way that would intimidate even the lankiest of people.

"Have I done something?" Trixie asked, about 70% sure she hadn't, but definitely not confident.

"No no everythings fine, I just wanted to tell you you're got a replacement roommate moving in today.

"I do?? " She answered, completely surprised. "Why are you only just telling me?"

"Well..." She started, clearly choosing her words carefully, "because there's been a slight...disagreement between the girl and her first pairing. They've both demanded that she be moved elsewhere."

"...right" Trixie replied monotonously, the reality of what had just been said hitting her. Trixie had a roommate initially called Adore (who was actually pretty cool), but she dropped out within days, leaving Trixie with some much wanted space to have people over. Not only did she not want a new roommate, she didn't want a diva that had to be moved within hours of arriving. She sounded like a complete nightmare.

"Her name is Katya, I trust you'll be a better match for her?" Bates continued , ignoring Trixies clear annoyance.

Trixie sighed, accepting her fate, "Do I get to clean up first?"


"This weekend will make up for your great loss I'm sure" Violet stated , taking the piss subtly.

"It sure will because we are gonna get fucked up" Kim jeered, nudging Trixie as she stared off in silent mourning.

"How are we gonna have sleepovers now??" Trixie suddenly piped up, turning to them all desperately.

"Well your new pal can piss off for the night, we marked our territory first" Pearl chimed in, not looking up from her phone. Lessons had ended and the squad decided to enjoy the sun (being a group of night owls this wasn't a common occurrence, they were practically vampires). They were sat out on the field just outside the girls dormotories, the 30 degree heat beating down (Trixie really regretted wearing jeans). Students tended to gather at this time to chat, usually because they had lots of work they were trying to put off.

"Who knows, maybe you'll like her?" Kim said, resting an arm on Trixies shoulder, clearly suppressing a smile. "Either way, you need to go clean up because knowing you it's a tip and a half in there"

Kim was absolutely right about that. Trixie reluctantly twisted the key to her dorm, and stared down the narrow hallway. The apartment was small, but not claustrophobic. The spare room lay just opposite Trixies, causing her to quickly peak in and see if it was still clean. Despite some mild dust, it seemed decent enough.

As she entered her own room, she was greeted with a familiar explosion of pastel shades in the form of clothes. She would desperately put off doing the laundry at the moment (as the college laundrette was literally hell on earth) so the load was piling up dramatically. The walls were decorated with polariods and pretty vinyl covers, her desk was littered with both work and aesthetically pleasing stationary, and her pretty mahogany acoustic lay gently on its stand.

She collapsed on her bed, silently praying that a meteor would just come and crash into the building, providing a quick and painless death . It wasn't that she disliked people, quite the opposite. She loved socialising and was quite outgoing...she just hated living with other people. Getting away from her irritating siblings and strict parents was the best thing about moving out, having her own place gave her such freedom. And although she liked being with people, she liked being alone just as much. And having that disrupted wasn't really ideal.

Her eyes wandered up to the pictures on the wall. She lay smiling at all the sesh photos of her and the gang, some cute selfies with her mum, family friends and her dog. Then she saw it. The face of her first. She looked so young in it, her frizzy hair sat so neatly over her shoulders as she stood dramatically posing. Trixie's chest knotted with emotion from just looking. She started until it became too painful.

She forcefully sat up, slapping her face lightly.
"Come on Trixie, cheer up. It'll be fine. I'm sure she's lovely"

As if on queue, the front door violently banged open, almost like it had been kicked. Her mind batted around, panic kicking in. She'd heard about college dorm robberies from her paranoid uncle one too many times for her to be any sort of calm.
"Fuck me, this is the end" Trixie thought dryly, her heart racing as hard footsteps traveled down the hallway, grabbing a nearby hardback to throw if necessary.
The footsteps stopped, and the bedroom door swung open.

Hey!! I hope you liked part one :). I've got big plans for this fic, so you better add it to the library ladies, you're in for a poorly written treat xx

Per usual, it's a iq kitty x cherry bomb situation in terms of appearance. Katya has her infamous 'beachy chop' instead of the black hair though.

Part 2 will be up in a few days <3

(also no shade 2 people who actually like maths lmao, it's part of Trixies characterisation)

token punk ~ trixya college/roommates auWhere stories live. Discover now