ఌ Monster ఌ (10)

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He closed his eyes and put a hand on my knee to stop me from whatever I was about to do.

Which was to blow this place up, take Izuku and run away.

He signaled for me to be quiet and go along with it.

"What do you do with people like him?" Aizawa asked after a few minutes.

"Well this is only a place for villains, normally we studied their quirks and basically make them quirk-less so they stop committing crimes."

He said unbothered at the fact that they were using people then dumping them away like trash.

"That's illegal thought..." Aizawa said shaking his head.

"And he's not a villain, he's a kid that got attacked." Aizawa said confused.

"Well he's special, his abilities aren't like any others. Oh and All Might was released after a small injury cleaning" He said writing in his note book.

"Does he get to walk and go outside?" I asked head hanging low.

"Oh no, we couldn't let him do that with his body, he would rip this place to shreds in a matter of seconds.

The only thing holding him down is himself right now. Whatever the purple stuff is doing- I think it's stopping his quirk." He said and looked at both of us.

My eyes widened at that. About how I knew how All Might passed down his quirk fled into my mind.

How he went from quirkless- to being gifted with a quirk- and now going back to quirkless.

I shook my head in anger and looked at him again blinking back tears.

He was looking at the ceiling. After a few seconds I noticed Aizawa and the man in white watching with me.

Izuku smiled and closed his eyes then lowered his head slowly. He opened his eyes and again slowly turned his head our way.

Staring right at us.

"H-He can see us?" Aizawa asked.

"We aren't sure, though he does do it a lot...this room is built into his room and it's impossible to see it because of the technology..." He stopped talking when Izuku spoke.

My heart actually broke at his words.

"I-I'm not a monster...am I Katccan..?" He asked looking right at me.

Me and Aizawa shared a glance of terror and confusion.

The man beside us sighed.

"It's been saying that name a lot, we haven't figured out why it says that" He said shaking his head.

"Why don't you guys use his name" I said head dropping with anger.

"Oh well, it's irrelevant to us and using code words is easy-"

"Well let me tell you something that's relevant, and don't forget it alright?" I interrupted him and glared for a minute before looking dead in the eye at Izuku.

"His name is Izuku Midoriya...he calls me Katccan...and he isn't a monster" I growled at him and then pounced.

I didn't care what happened to this man. I only wanted Izuku back from this mess. They weren't helping him. They were using him.

They said he was a monster.

When the real monsters were them themselves.

I wanted this place to burn down

And that's exactly what I was going to do.

-Here we go..member's of the agency Bakugo...Sava- AHHHHH (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

"If you don't heal what hurt you you'll bleed on the people who didn't cut you"-Unknown

"Sorry..." [BakuDeku]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin