chapter 1: Morning

Start from the beginning

Spencer and I walked into the office through the two glass doors. I say hi to everyone and go to sit at my desk, but Emily follows me. Why is she coming to my desk? Does she need something? Do I something on my shirt and Spence didnt tell me?  Emily and I are close friends but she normally doesn't come to my desk when I'm about to start working. I know that I am probably just overthinking, so I try to calm myself down. She must've noticed the confused and slightly embarrassed look on my face.

She smiled saying "Relax y/n you don't have anything on your face or shirt."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Sorry Em" I say my face starting to turn red 

"Nothing to be sorry for" Emily says 

She knows i have a tendancy to say sorry for everything , everyone does they've all tried to help me but I always feel the need to say sorry

"I was just wondering if you wanted to have a girls night tonight, just the two of us we haven't had one in too long"

I pause and I think about tommorw, its Spencer and I's 6 month anniversary I wanted to wake up next to him and be with him all day, even though I knew  we couldn't spend the whole day together because of work. 

"Let me ask Spence" I say letting out a sign hoping he didn't forget

"You ned to ask your boyfriend for permission" Em says trying to look confused even though she knew exactly what this what about 

"Just to make sure he doesn't have anything planned, I don't need his permission for anything" I say I voice sounding a little irritated. I don't need people thinking I'm completely dependent on Spencer, even though I somewhat am. 

I start to walk over to Spence seeing he's talking to Derek 

"Hey Spence sorry for interupting but-"

"y/n you don't have to say sorry you're not interupting anything" he says doing a half smile

"Sorry" I say my face turning red again

"Y/n" Spencer says

"Right sor-" I stop myself before I say sorry again

"Whats up?" he asks 

"Emily just asked if i wanted to have a girls night tonight and I just wanted to check with you" I say feeling kinda embarassed 

"You don't have to ask me to go out with your friend y/n" he says putting his hand on my shoulder rubbing it seemingly trying to comfort me, knowing I'm umcorfortable

"I know I just wanted to check and see if you had anything planned" I say now feeling very embarassed 

"Nope I don't have anything planned" he says removing his hand from my shoulder

"Oh okay" I say honestly feeling hurt

Did he forget? Does he just not care? Is he planning on breaking up with you?

Spencer is my whole world. I would be nothing without him. I cannot lose him. 

I start walking back over to Emily trying to fight back tears

"What'd he say" Emily says 

"Um h-he uh s-sorry" I say my voice slightly breaking at the end

"I um I will be right back" I say as I rush to the bathroom getting into a stall as quick as I can

Emily watches me rush into the bathroom looking concered she walks over to Spencer. She's always been very protective of me. Emily knows I will never stand up for myself or bring up things that are bothering me, so most times she does it for me. 

"What did you say to her" she asks her voice clearly angry 

"What do you mean" he asks sounding clueless

"What did you say to her" she asks again her voice louder and more angry 

"I told her we didn't have plans" he says a little concerned 

"You truly are an idiot when it comes to women" emily scoffs 

"Excuse me" Spencer says 

"She probably thinks you forgot" emily says

"Forgot what" Derek says competely clueless

"Our 6 month anniversary" Spencer says feeling guilty 

"Oh crap" Derek says "You better go fix that now pretty boy"

"No she'll figure out that you're surprising her I will take care of it" Emily says 

Meanwhile I'm in the bathroom stall trying so hard to fight back tears, but fail as the tears fall anyway. I'm a sensitive person and everyone knows it, its the thing I hate most about myself but I can't change it. I try to stop the tears when I hear someone open the doors and heels clicking coming to my stall door. *knock knock* Emily knocks on the stall door.

"You okay" Emily asks her voice filled with concern 

"Yeah im okay" I say, my voice breaking while you speak 

"Y/n I know you're not okay"

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