Meet Kasai (Chapter 1)

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Hi, the name is Toro, Kasai Toro. No that introduction is lame… fuck it, Yo, My Name Is Kasai Toro. I’m a halfy, working as a server at my dad’s izakaya, and I’m broke.
“hey, can I have another class of beer”
“Sure” I tell the guest.
“Fire, go pass that guy a pint” I yell at my best friend, a guy I’ve had a crush on since middle school… oh yeah, I forgot to say it but I’m Gay. Or at least I think I am. Okay okay okay, I’ve never actually dated anyone, and I’m satisfied with my best friend position, no way am I giving up my friendship to chance at being something more.

“Righteo, one beer coming right up!” he responds with his gruff, strong voice.
At the end of my shift we wipe down the benches and pull ourselves a pint.
“Sorry for asking you to help me, you’ve helped…” He puts his hand up to interrupt me from my sentence. “Hey, you know it’s fine, ya dad’s in hospital right now. It’s only fair, as your best friend, that I give ya a hand when ya family’s in trouble.”
He adds, “How’s Ma doing anyways?”
This is one of the things I love about him, he always talks about my family as if it were his. I mean it could be, if only I knew how to tell him my feelings without chancing the loss of our friendship.

“She’s doing okay, well for a person who’s love of their life is fight for his life in a intensive care ward. Currently She’s compulsively cleaned the house several times over and made the bed 15 times before I left for work today. Overall she seems to be okay.” How about yours, is what I would’ve said, if I didn’t know that he was in hot water with his family.
Essentially, his family has disowned him, but that’s a story for another chapter. Right now, he’s sleeping over at mine whilst his lot are calming down. He’s paying the rent by helping me whilst dad is in hospital and mam’s in crazy lady mode. Thankfully, the bar is as busy as usual, allowing for us to keep busy.

“Hey, remember when ya used to never speak?, ya know, in elementary school?” Fire randomly says.
“mmm, why ask?”
“Well, ya see… I always found it pretty cute…. Ummm” He blushes.
“Clearly you’re drunk, wanna go back to the house and play dorknite?”
“Yeah, let’s do that…” he says with a faint frown upon his face, as if saddened by the fact that he was drunk sooner than I was. I help him get up. I go behind the bar to put the glasses back on the shelves from on the drying mat. When I turn around to pick up the last glass, Fire pins me to the wall…

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